Health & Medical: How To Prepare For Pregnancy?

How To Prepare For Pregnancy?

Planning for pregnancy is not just to help you get pregnant but also to help ensure that you are in the best possible health when you become pregnant. While many women have perfectly healthy unplanned pregnancies, if you have the opportunity to plan ahead, you have a better chance of entering pregna

Health & Medical: Pregnancy Guide

Pregnancy Guide

They say that each pregnancy is special, and it's true that no two women experience the exact same set of symptoms, aches and pains. There are, however, a number of milestones that are typical of pregnancy. Most pregnant women can expect certain times of fatigue and growth. There are also standard t

Health & Medical: Timing Ovulation (And Manipulating Vaginal PH-Acidity) to Conceive a Girl

Timing Ovulation (And Manipulating Vaginal PH-Acidity) to Conceive a Girl

If you want to have a baby girl or daughter, there are several variables during the course of your fertility cycle that you can manipulate and / or control to help to greatly increase your chances.This article will discuss natural and inexpensive ways to do this. The first key to having a baby girl

Health & Medical: How to Choose the Best Ivf Surrogacy Center in India

How to Choose the Best Ivf Surrogacy Center in India

Basically surrogate means substitute and a surrogate mother is someone who conceives and carries some complicated situations and then gives birth to a child for couple of intended parents with the full intention of handing ...

Health & Medical: IVF Cost in Thailand

IVF Cost in Thailand

This article examines the reasons why IVF fertility treatment is cheaper in Thailand than in western countries. It outlines the reasons why one should consider Thailand for IVF fertility treatment.

Health & Medical: Hepatitis B and C in Pregnancy

Hepatitis B and C in Pregnancy

This article reviews the current recommendations for the management of hepatitis B or hepatitis C in pregnancy.

Health & Medical: Breech Position and Breech Birth-Credits

Breech Position and Breech Birth-Credits

ByHealthwise StaffPrimary Medical ReviewerSarah Marshall, MD - Family MedicineSpecialist Medical ReviewerWilliam Gilbert, MD - Maternal and Fetal MedicineLast RevisedJuly 25, 2011

Health & Medical: Encouraging Diapers

Encouraging Diapers

Looking for a great baby shower game to really make your baby shower fun? Try some of these baby shower games on for size!

Health & Medical: The Procedure of Embryo Freezing - Part II

The Procedure of Embryo Freezing - Part II

Higher-grade embryos, with regularly shaped cells and without fragmentation, are frozen at the four-to-eight-cell stage of development. They are placed in a culture inside a small container, which is then put into a freezing machine. The freezing is carried out in a way that avoids the production of

Health & Medical: How to Get Rid of Bladder Problems

How to Get Rid of Bladder Problems

Gall bladder problems can be common during pregnancy.Such discomforts are normal throughout the entire period of pregnancy and should bring no reason for panic. Nevertheless, peeing and other bladder discomforts after giving birth may be an indication of further and more serious bladder conditions.

Health & Medical: Mastalgia Treatment

Mastalgia Treatment

Mastalgia, or breast pain, can be caused by a number of different things. Cyclic pain is the most common form and caused by normal monthly hormonal changes. This type of pain usually occurs in both breasts, causing a feeling of heaviness and tenderness throughout the breasts and sometimes under the

Health & Medical: Getting Pregnant With A Baby Girl: A Step-By-Step Guide

Getting Pregnant With A Baby Girl: A Step-By-Step Guide

A lot of couples are now studying tips about getting pregnant with a baby girl however; only a few of the things that they encounter work out well for them. If you have been in the same situation, do not lose hope because I will be discussing a step-by-step guide in this post that will show you just