Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Help Me Get Pregnant - Basic Information You Need For Becoming a Mother

It is pretty certain that almost every pregnant woman has asked herself at least once:" Increasing sexual intercourse will be enough to help me get pregnant?" Well, not really.

First you must watch your sexual intercourses`s schedule so that they take place most often during ovulation, period which is calculated according to the regularity of menstrual cycles in the last 6 months (if the cycles are regular every 28 days months, when the fertile period is between days 10 and 17, considering the 1st of January the first day of menstrual bleeding; so between days 10 and 17 if you have unprotected sex can get pregnant.

But what maybe if these informations alone will not satisfy you and you will ask you again:" It is enough to help me get pregnant?" And you are right to ask you yourself this question.

If the cycles are irregular, you have to follow the duration of your menstrual cycle on a minimum of 6 months (for example: 27, 28, 26, 29, 31, 28) and it is to be retain the minimum and maximum number of days of your menstrual cycle (for example: 26, 31), then: the minimum value minus 18, and you will have your first fertile day (for example 26-18 = 8) and from the maximum value minus 11, and you will obtain the last fertile day (for example: 31-11 = 20);

You will have the result for your fertile period of day 8 to day 20), but which can be as well highlighted by ultrasound monitoring of your ovulation, of your basal temperature, or by using the ovulation tests (you must keep in mind that a too intense sexual activity may lead to a decrease of sperm quality - reducing the number of spermatozoons and by the increase of the cell divisions, will increase the number of incompatible spermatozoons to achieve fecundation). Thus, it is indicated an abstinence of 3 days before your fertile period.

Knowing these will pretty much release you from just about of all the pressure of "help me get pregnant" issue. Or do you feel that you need more informations?
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