Gall bladder problems can be common during pregnancy.
In fact, frequent urination, one of the very common bladder problems, is even considered as one of the earliest pregnancy symptoms.
Your bladder during pregnancy goes through several changes.
The growing uterus pushes itself against your bladder reducing the latter's holding capacity and giving you the urge to pee.
The growing placenta requires more blood to circulate throughout the body giving you more thirsting urges than normal.
As mentioned, all bladder discomforts are normal throughout the entire period of pregnancy and should bring no reason for panic.
Nevertheless, peeing discomforts after giving birth may be an indication of further and more serious bladder conditions.
This should be taken as an opportunity to seek for treatment and medication.
Bladder diseases come with several symptoms which doctors usually call as the "gallstone attack.
" The gallstone attack is usually experienced after eating fatty meals especially during night time.
Some of these symptoms include pain under the right shoulder, belching, gas and indigestion, pain between the shoulder blades, nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating, intolerance of fatty foods, pain the the upper abdomen which usually lasts between 30 minutes or several hours and many others.
Sometimes, chills, sweating, fever, whitening of the eyes, yellowing of the skin and discolor of the stool may be an indication of a more serious bladder abnormality and therefore, requires your immediate attention.
What exactly happens during a gallstone attack? During attack, the stone gets in the way of the gall bladder.
When the bladder pushes against it, pain occurs.
Once the bladder relaxes, the pain disappears.
In time; however, if the inflammation continues, you can experience intermittent episodes of abdominal pain which causes belching, nausea, etc.
This is an indication that the gall bladder has been scarred and inflamed.
The situation can get worse over time especially when not properly attended to.
The good news about this gall bladder discomfort is that it can be treated.
More often than not, the gall bladder is surgically removed.
The process is called cholecystectomy.
It is the most common treatment for gallstones.
Statistics has it that more than 500,000 Americans undergo such procedure every year.
Even problems of the bladder during pregnancy may also be treated.
The surgery is done using a laparoscope with a certain kind of procedure which has been proven to be totally safe even for pregnant women.
Your doctor will make tiny incisions in your abdomen.
Aside from that, he will also insert surgical instruments including a miniature camera into your abdomen.
When you are not pregnant, a laparoscope may not be necessary.
Things can be done to avoid the problems mentioned above.
Note; however, that genetics as well as hormonal fluctuations play a major role in inducing gall bladder problems.
If this is your case, then your only option may be surgery in order to get rid of the pain.
Otherwise; eating vegetables and fruits as well as good diet and veering away from fatty foods may lessen the risks of bladder problems.
In fact, frequent urination, one of the very common bladder problems, is even considered as one of the earliest pregnancy symptoms.
Your bladder during pregnancy goes through several changes.
The growing uterus pushes itself against your bladder reducing the latter's holding capacity and giving you the urge to pee.
The growing placenta requires more blood to circulate throughout the body giving you more thirsting urges than normal.
As mentioned, all bladder discomforts are normal throughout the entire period of pregnancy and should bring no reason for panic.
Nevertheless, peeing discomforts after giving birth may be an indication of further and more serious bladder conditions.
This should be taken as an opportunity to seek for treatment and medication.
Bladder diseases come with several symptoms which doctors usually call as the "gallstone attack.
" The gallstone attack is usually experienced after eating fatty meals especially during night time.
Some of these symptoms include pain under the right shoulder, belching, gas and indigestion, pain between the shoulder blades, nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating, intolerance of fatty foods, pain the the upper abdomen which usually lasts between 30 minutes or several hours and many others.
Sometimes, chills, sweating, fever, whitening of the eyes, yellowing of the skin and discolor of the stool may be an indication of a more serious bladder abnormality and therefore, requires your immediate attention.
What exactly happens during a gallstone attack? During attack, the stone gets in the way of the gall bladder.
When the bladder pushes against it, pain occurs.
Once the bladder relaxes, the pain disappears.
In time; however, if the inflammation continues, you can experience intermittent episodes of abdominal pain which causes belching, nausea, etc.
This is an indication that the gall bladder has been scarred and inflamed.
The situation can get worse over time especially when not properly attended to.
The good news about this gall bladder discomfort is that it can be treated.
More often than not, the gall bladder is surgically removed.
The process is called cholecystectomy.
It is the most common treatment for gallstones.
Statistics has it that more than 500,000 Americans undergo such procedure every year.
Even problems of the bladder during pregnancy may also be treated.
The surgery is done using a laparoscope with a certain kind of procedure which has been proven to be totally safe even for pregnant women.
Your doctor will make tiny incisions in your abdomen.
Aside from that, he will also insert surgical instruments including a miniature camera into your abdomen.
When you are not pregnant, a laparoscope may not be necessary.
Things can be done to avoid the problems mentioned above.
Note; however, that genetics as well as hormonal fluctuations play a major role in inducing gall bladder problems.
If this is your case, then your only option may be surgery in order to get rid of the pain.
Otherwise; eating vegetables and fruits as well as good diet and veering away from fatty foods may lessen the risks of bladder problems.