Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Pregnancy Week 2 and Week 3

Women, who are 2 weeks pregnant, can expect even more bodily changes. They are officially in their 1st trimester with two more to go through. Being prepared for this stage in pregnancy is the best way to understand exactly what is taking place during these weeks. These are not only body changes, but emotional as well. At 2 weeks pregnant, a woman may have missed her period and she is aware of it. She may be experiencing some symptoms already at 2 weeks pregnant. One of the first sensations an expectant mother experiences is nausea. Nausea is sometimes followed by unusual fatigue. These changes in your regular lifestyle may be very apparent.

For those who do find out they’re pregnant early, it is a good idea to find reading material that takes them through the week-to-week changes. This is an avenue of preparing you and also your husband for some often drastic occurrences. One of these occurrences for women 2 weeks pregnant is the need for more rest than the woman is accustomed to.

Women at this stage become more and more tired and are forced to rest or sleep. This is the body’s way of communicating the importance of extra care for both mother and embryo. It doesn’t matter whether you are 2 weeks pregnant or 3 weeks pregnant, the need to truly relax will follow you. Getting the proper rest promotes a healthier pregnancy.

At 3 weeks pregnant women can expect some more specific changes. Inside this expectant mother’s body, her embryo has begun to develop. It has taken on multiple layers of consistency. Miraculously the heart has already formed and is functioning even in this tiny baby. It is also important to note that the circulatory system has also formed.

Women at this stage of pregnancy will notice some sensitivity in their breasts. They may even feel sore. This is another normal expectation during this trimester. Some women have also seen their appetite increase during this time. Eating well and often is not a bad thing, but rather promotes a healthy pregnancy.

Symptoms during the third week are going to vary from woman to woman. Each case is different. However, some common changes like more trips to the bathroom are also expected and carry on throughout the 40 weeks of pregnancy. Taking note of the individual stages of pregnancy is a smart tactic for being prepared.

The 1st trimester is when many women begin to experience the dreaded morning sickness symptoms, as well. This process is characterized by an increase in nausea, or even vomiting. Women generally are unable to ignore their symptoms of morning sickness, but being informed is very helpful. It allows you the opportunity to plan for these and other changes.

Early pregnancy is like a training ground for future months. During this time the body is going to crave food and rest. Women would do well to give their bodies what they need, so that they are physically ready for the next 37 or 38 weeks.
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