Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Three Tips For Speed Dating Success

Some say that when you find the right person, the person you are meant to spend the rest of your life with, you know as soon as you look into their eyes.
This is the belief that speed dating is based on.
The idea of speed-dating is that you are able to meet a whole bunch of other singles that, like you, are looking for someone to date.
In addition to meeting a whole bunch of singles in one place, you don't have to worry about having to spend hours with someone who you're really not interested like you do when you go out on a traditional first date.
When you are speed dating, you are only committed to spending a few minutes with a person before you move onto the next.
If you meet someone you like and who likes you too, the pair of you can exchange numbers or email addresses and arrange to go out on a date that last more than a few minutes.
Some people swear that speed-dating works, that it is the ideal way of finding a mate.
Others aren't quite so sure.
Everyone does agree that speed-dating is lots of fun, and that every single person in the world should try it at least once.
There are several things you can do to make your first try at speed dating a success.
Be Prompt Even though you want to make an impression during your foray into speed dating, you don't want that impression to be that you don't care enough to get there on time.
When you are going to a speed dating event, you should make sure you know when the speed-dating is scheduled to start and where it is being held.
Give yourself plenty of time to get there.
This is a situation where it is better to be early instead of late.
Be Cheerful Yes, you want to give the people you meet during your speed dating excursion to get a sense for who you really are, you also want to put your best foot forward.
You should at least be in a good mood while you are going through the speed dating process.
If you've had a bad day, or just aren't feeling very happy, you should stay home with a good book and a bag of chocolate and try speed dating when you are in a better mood.
In addition to being in a pleasant mood, you should also try to avoid sensitive subjects while you are speed dating.
Stick to pleasant neutral topics, you will have plenty of time to push on anothers hot buttons on future dates.
Be Bold When you are speed dating, you can't be afraid to be the aggressor in the relationship.
If you want to get to know someone better, you need to be upfront about your attraction.
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