Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

First Date Tips For Success

A first date is always a bit intimidating.
Unless you have thought ahead and asked about favorite activities, or agreed on a place for dinner, where do you start when planning the perfect date? Remember that the reason for a first date is to get to know a little about the person that you are interested in.
This means that an evening of bowling probably is not the best idea, since the noise level doesn't encourage conversation.
Several other things to consider are: - The weather.
Is it hot, cold, or raining? - The location.
Are you near the shore, where you could take a walk, play at the arcade for a short time or build a fire? - The time of day.
Some activities that would seem perfectly alright during the afternoon may make your date feel intimidated in the hours after dinner.
Unfortunately, the world around us continues to get crazier by the day.
This is another thing that you must take into consideration when planning a first date.
If your date feels threatened by any of the activities that you have planned, your evening will probably not turn out as you hope.
Take the time to do some "homework" before your date.
Have a few ideas lined up so that you are able to switch plans quickly depending on the weather, your date's opinion, or any other number of reasons.
Having a back-up plan will keep things going smoothly.
If you are not sure what to do on a first date, the local mall is usually a popular spot.
Although this may seem a bit juvenile, it allows you the same opportunities that appeal so readily to the younger crowd.
Most modern malls allow you the option of a light meal, or a nice restaurant to eat at.
Being indoors, you also have the opportunity to take a stroll without having to be concerned about the weather.
Window shopping is another benefit of walking inside the mall.
A quick stop in any of the stores, such as the ever popular gag gift shop or in the pet shop can be a welcome break if the conversation becomes slow.
An "unplanned" stop can be a great stress reliever since it should give you both an opportunity to play.
When you resume your stroll, you will have had the chance to relax a little and maybe even opened up some small topics that may help get the conversation going again.
If you are like many people and have a tough time holding up your end of the conversation, prepare ahead.
Think about the things that you would like to find out about the person you are about to date.
What things should they know about you? Make a list of topics for conversation and carry it in your coat pocket.
You can always excuse yourself for a moment, slip away and peek at your notes if you are not comfortable pulling them out in front of your date.
If you do need to refer to your notes, you could always explain that you had expected to be at a loss for words once you were with them.
Let them know that you had prepared ahead, just in case.
With the planning behind you, be sure to just relax and enjoy yourself.
Give your date time to get to know you.
Remember that you already got the date; obviously they are interested in you.
Go ahead and 'shine'.
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