- 1). Scrape the grout from the outer edges of the tiles you are removing. A utility knife will work for this task, but hold the blade away from your fingers and move the knife in a direction away from your body.
- 2). Remove any caulking around exterior edges. A heat gun on a low setting can help to soften any hardened caulking to make it an easier removal process.
- 3). Tap the tiles to find a loose tile and start your removal there because it will give you a leverage point with which to start demolition. If you can't find a loose tile, tap the tiles with a chisel and hammer to break the tile into smaller pieces that can be pried up with a putty knife. Insert the putty knife under the edge of the tile to use as a lever.
- 4). Remove cement or adhesive residue from underneath the tile with a floor scraper. Avoid damaging the subfloor when you scrape.