Most people don't realize when they are trying to get their ex back, that they are actually making their ex hate them more.
People raise the wrong emotions so much around their ex, after a breakup; so bad, that some ex-partners may even get a restraining order! Of course no one does this intentionally, however here is what you should avoid when trying to get your ex back: The largest, and most deadly mistake that anyone can make when trying to gain love back, is to make the bad emotions stronger.
One way people do this is by arguing; which only makes your ex reminded more of what exactly was wrong; and confirms their decision against you.
The reason this confirms your ex's decision against you, is because anytime you argue; your ex will think about it logically and look for counter arguments- as in things to prove you wrong.
Your ex will definitely find things, having known you.
This then proves to your ex even more exactly how bad things were with you; and so forth.
Accusing and arguing are not things that anyone should be doing when trying to repair a broken relationship, and will guarantee your ex to start hating you.
The blame game is the most common break up game, and yet so many people try and use it to get back together! People try to blame their ex for how they are feeling after, some people get into deep states of depression and place the blame on their ex's for breaking up.
Blaming or putting guilt on your ex will not work; it will arouse some emotion; however these are the wrong emotions to be bringing out.
If your ex acts out of guilt, he/she will secretly hold a grudge on you; because this is forcing your ex, rather than allowing a choice.
People raise the wrong emotions so much around their ex, after a breakup; so bad, that some ex-partners may even get a restraining order! Of course no one does this intentionally, however here is what you should avoid when trying to get your ex back: The largest, and most deadly mistake that anyone can make when trying to gain love back, is to make the bad emotions stronger.
One way people do this is by arguing; which only makes your ex reminded more of what exactly was wrong; and confirms their decision against you.
The reason this confirms your ex's decision against you, is because anytime you argue; your ex will think about it logically and look for counter arguments- as in things to prove you wrong.
Your ex will definitely find things, having known you.
This then proves to your ex even more exactly how bad things were with you; and so forth.
Accusing and arguing are not things that anyone should be doing when trying to repair a broken relationship, and will guarantee your ex to start hating you.
The blame game is the most common break up game, and yet so many people try and use it to get back together! People try to blame their ex for how they are feeling after, some people get into deep states of depression and place the blame on their ex's for breaking up.
Blaming or putting guilt on your ex will not work; it will arouse some emotion; however these are the wrong emotions to be bringing out.
If your ex acts out of guilt, he/she will secretly hold a grudge on you; because this is forcing your ex, rather than allowing a choice.