Even though you may feel fully confident in the purchase of your new home, you dont always know what youre getting yourself into. Sure, you may have had an appraisal, an inspection, and several walk-throughs, but its easy to overlook common household issues, like an insect infestation.
If you want to move into a home thats in the best condition, there are several precautions you can take before your move-in date, starting with:
1. Schedule pest control before you move in. Though a home may look perfectly clean inside and out, its best to schedule an initial extermination visit before all of your belongings are moved in. This way, if you have a serious insect infestation on your hands, including termites, the house will be easier to treat or tent without any belongings inside.
To choose a new Alabama pest control company in your area, you can consult the EPA Citizens Guide to Pest Control and Pesticide Safety. The EPA recommends working with a licensed pest control company that is willing to provide an initial treatment plan for your home before charging for their service.
2. Insulate water pipes. One more chore to check off your list before you move in to your new home is ensuring proper insulation around the water pipes in your house. Water pipes that are exposed quickly lose heat as water is transferred from the water heater to a faucet. Hiring a professional to insulate or doing it yourself could create a temperature difference of 2 to 4; it will also allow hot water to run to a faucet more quickly.
Start by checking pipes surrounding the first three feet of the water heater as top priority. You can then double check and insulate the remaining pipes throughout the house for the utmost in water heating efficiency.
3. Fill cracks and holes, especially in basements. A home is likely to have a few cracks and crevices that have popped up over the years. But if you want to keep pests and rodents out in each season, it pays to take the time to fill all cracks and holes before you move into your dream house.
If a house has a stable foundation, cracks arent likely to grow. Nonetheless, cracks can provide easy entry for a number of insects, like roaches, ants, and spiders. This is another job that you can do yourself or hire a professional to take care of, along with the insulation job listed above.
Becoming a new homeowner is an exciting time in any persons life, especially if youre buying a home for the first time. As a first time home buyer, its important to go into the sale with both eyes open to make sure that you get the most out of your investment.
While its very rare for a home to be sold in perfect condition, unless its brand-new, following the guidelines listed above will ensure that you deal with any underlying issues before your move-in date.
If you want to move into a home thats in the best condition, there are several precautions you can take before your move-in date, starting with:
1. Schedule pest control before you move in. Though a home may look perfectly clean inside and out, its best to schedule an initial extermination visit before all of your belongings are moved in. This way, if you have a serious insect infestation on your hands, including termites, the house will be easier to treat or tent without any belongings inside.
To choose a new Alabama pest control company in your area, you can consult the EPA Citizens Guide to Pest Control and Pesticide Safety. The EPA recommends working with a licensed pest control company that is willing to provide an initial treatment plan for your home before charging for their service.
2. Insulate water pipes. One more chore to check off your list before you move in to your new home is ensuring proper insulation around the water pipes in your house. Water pipes that are exposed quickly lose heat as water is transferred from the water heater to a faucet. Hiring a professional to insulate or doing it yourself could create a temperature difference of 2 to 4; it will also allow hot water to run to a faucet more quickly.
Start by checking pipes surrounding the first three feet of the water heater as top priority. You can then double check and insulate the remaining pipes throughout the house for the utmost in water heating efficiency.
3. Fill cracks and holes, especially in basements. A home is likely to have a few cracks and crevices that have popped up over the years. But if you want to keep pests and rodents out in each season, it pays to take the time to fill all cracks and holes before you move into your dream house.
If a house has a stable foundation, cracks arent likely to grow. Nonetheless, cracks can provide easy entry for a number of insects, like roaches, ants, and spiders. This is another job that you can do yourself or hire a professional to take care of, along with the insulation job listed above.
Becoming a new homeowner is an exciting time in any persons life, especially if youre buying a home for the first time. As a first time home buyer, its important to go into the sale with both eyes open to make sure that you get the most out of your investment.
While its very rare for a home to be sold in perfect condition, unless its brand-new, following the guidelines listed above will ensure that you deal with any underlying issues before your move-in date.