The Law of Purpose - Have a strong and clear reason for wanting to hit the goal that you set.
This strong reason will keep you going when you are tested.
The Law of Delayed Gratification - Put off all nonessential gratifying pursuits until your goal is accomplished.
You do not want to diffuse your focus.
You want to consolidate your ambition by pointing at the successful achievement of your goal.
The Law of Strategic Planning - Strategically map out the steps that are necessary for the accomplishment of your goal.
Plan in advance what you intend to do in order to hit your goal.
Layout a plan for taking the most direct route to completing your objectives.
The Law of Consistent Effort -Take consistent action towards hitting your goals.
Do not back off.
Keep a steady approach with your work ethic.
As you remain consistent you will gain momentum.
Positive momentum will increase the ease with which you hit your goal.
The Law of Positive Association - Your associations can help or hurt you.
If you foster friendships with people who react negatively to you pursuing your goals you open the door to them hindering you.
Their opinions and comments can affect you negatively.
When you spend time with positive supportive people the opposite is true.
You are inspired and uplifted in their presence.
You do more because you feel better about yourself as result of being interacting with them.
The Law of Accountability - When you have an accountability partner your results are multiplied.
You get a two advantages.
You have someone who supports you and gives you feedback.
You also have an added reason for doing the necessary task.
The reason why you want to do what you set out to is because you said you would.
You actually told another person that you would do it.
It is hard to go back on your word.
If you tell another person that you are going to do something you usually try with all of your strength to do it.
The Law of Purpose - Have a strong and clear reason for wanting to hit the goal that you set.
This strong reason will keep you going when you are tested.
The Law of Delayed Gratification - Put off all nonessential gratifying pursuits until your goal is accomplished.
You do not want to diffuse your focus.
You want to consolidate your ambition by pointing at the successful achievement of your goal.
The Law of Strategic Planning - Strategically map out the steps that are necessary for the accomplishment of your goal.
Plan in advance what you intend to do in order to hit your goal.
Layout a plan for taking the most direct route to completing your objectives.
The Law of Consistent Effort -Take consistent action towards hitting your goals.
Do not back off.
Keep a steady approach with your work ethic.
As you remain consistent you will gain momentum.
Positive momentum will increase the ease with which you hit your goal.
The Law of Positive Association - Your associations can help or hurt you.
If you foster friendships with people who react negatively to you pursuing your goals you open the door to them hindering you.
Their opinions and comments can affect you negatively.
When you spend time with positive supportive people the opposite is true.
You are inspired and uplifted in their presence.
You do more because you feel better about yourself as result of being interacting with them.
The Law of Accountability - When you have an accountability partner your results are multiplied.
You get a two advantages.
You have someone who supports you and gives you feedback.
You also have an added reason for doing the necessary task.
The reason why you want to do what you set out to is because you said you would.
You actually told another person that you would do it.
It is hard to go back on your word.
If you tell another person that you are going to do something you usually try with all of your strength to do it.