- 1). Place the first hook in a fly tying vise.
- 2). Burn the tip of fishing line so it creates a bead. Thread the fishing line through the first hook. Line the bead up on the hook stem so the end lines up with where the stem starts to curve into a hook.
- 3). Secure the fishing line to the hook with fly tying thread. Wrap the thread starting at the bead and going all the way to the eye of the hook.
- 4). Coat the thread in fly tying head cement and wrap the thread all the way back the other direction. Complete the wrapping with a whip finish by wrapping the thread around two or three times before passing the end under and pulling it tight.
- 5). Wrap tinsel ribbing around the threaded stem of the hook. Wrap the ribbing in an open, evenly spaced fashion, going the same direction as the thread.
- 6). Tie in a 4- to 6-inch piece of orange floss. Wrap the orange floss starting at the beaded end of the monofilament. Wrap the floss to the eye of the hook, going the same direction as the thread and ribbing, and then return to the bead. Wrap in an open, evenly spaced fashion so you have several diagonal stripes. Tie off the end and cut off the excess.
- 7). Coat the wrapped stem with head cement.
- 8). Cut the fishing line to the length necessary for the desired spacing of the two hooks.
- 9). Burn a bead on the opposite end of the fishing line and thread into the second hook. Attach and wrap the second hook the same way as the first hook.