Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

What Do Guys Like in a Girlfriend! Here Are the Ultra Important Traits Every Woman Must Possess

There are plenty of traits guys automatically look for in a girlfriend.
If you are planning on making your boyfriend really happy and contented with you - get a load of these relationship tips that will help you be the ideal girlfriend who is successful in keeping her boyfriend crazy in love with her! A mysterious air He wants to be able to find out new things about her.
She should be like a diamond unfolding and showing off a new facet just when he thinks he's seen them all! Guys like their girlfriends to be infinitely interesting and attractive.
Honest and upfront Guys hate it when they find out that their girlfriends have been anything but honest and open with them.
It's okay to be diplomatic and pretend you like his horrendous shirt or even that his mother's cooking is awesome, but lying about things that matter - like your faithfulness and your whereabouts - is another matter! Be honest and he will love you.
Individuality A guy likes his girlfriend to stand out because of their individuality and personal style.
He wants her to stand out among all his friends.
He wants to be envied by his friends because of his gorgeous girlfriend.
A guy looks for self confidence in his girl friend.
A girl who won't act like mum Guys have had enough of being told what not to do by their mothers.
A girlfriend who tries to do the same will be too much like mum! Let him be and give him the space he needs.
Just be the girl he would like to hang out with and have fun.
A girl who is not over possessive The moment a girl gets too clingy and over possessive - the faster she will lose her guy.
Girls who get jealous of their boyfriend's friends are setting themselves up for a breakup.
Guys need to go out and be with their friends without having to wonder what their girlfriend thinks about it.
Someone he can trust This means that he should feel so comfortable with you that he can trust you with his biggest secret and know that you will still love him despite his weaknesses.
Guys love women who are trustworthy and open.
This means that he can relax in their company without having to wonder if she means what she says or not.
Someone who responds wholeheartedly No guy likes a girlfriend who is a gold fish.
A girl who is unapproachable or uptight will put him off.
He wants his girlfriend to respond to his smallest gestures, enjoy his company, laugh at his jokes and prove that she can be his closest friend and confidant.
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