Being single with herpes is undoubtedly an extremely difficult thing to deal with. You have to deal with questions on whether you can trust a new partner with your secret, you worry that they may tell everyone you know about your condition - or worst yet - reject you in a horribly humiliating way. Although it is estimated that nearly one in five adults have either herpes simplex type 1 or herpes simplex type 2, an estimated eighty percent of those people are unaware of their status. This can make dating with herpes very challenging, this is even doubly so with genital herpes as most people see herpes type 2 as the "nasty" herpes.
No matter what your age or how long you have had the herpes virus, it is important that you know that you are not alone. The advent of the internet has brought together those with herpes from all over the world. Not only is love with herpes right at the tip of your fingers, but the web has also spurred the creation of many herpes and HSV support groups. You know longer have to suffer in silence nor do you have to fear being alone for the rest of your life.
There are dozens of sexually transmitted disease dating sites, these include sites created specifically for those with herpes, HSV as well HIV/AIDS. Let's discuss some of the most popular herpes dating sites.
Positive Singles: PositiveSingles is the largest STD dating site on the web with an estimated one hundred thousand members. The are really a full feature online dating site just as you would expect for non-std sites. PositiveSingles is not limited to just people with herpes though, there membership also allows for people with HSV, hepatitis type B&C and HIV/AIDS. Although herpes is an incurable disease it is not a potentially fatal disease like HIV/AIDS. Privacy is a huge concern when it comes to something as sensitive as health conditions, PositiveSingles does allow you the ability to control who can and can not see your profile.
Meet People With Herpes: Meet People With Herpes, or more commonly known as MPWH is the largest dating site dedicated specifically to those with herpes/HPV. MPwH has a community atmosphere complete with forums, chat rooms, and a regularly updated bulletin. The user interface isn't as pretty as PositiveSingles but the membership is reportedly very active.
There are millions of people with herpes who are still living their lives, having successful relationships, getting married and having children. Your herpes diagnosis does not signal the end of your dating life.
No matter what your age or how long you have had the herpes virus, it is important that you know that you are not alone. The advent of the internet has brought together those with herpes from all over the world. Not only is love with herpes right at the tip of your fingers, but the web has also spurred the creation of many herpes and HSV support groups. You know longer have to suffer in silence nor do you have to fear being alone for the rest of your life.
There are dozens of sexually transmitted disease dating sites, these include sites created specifically for those with herpes, HSV as well HIV/AIDS. Let's discuss some of the most popular herpes dating sites.
Positive Singles: PositiveSingles is the largest STD dating site on the web with an estimated one hundred thousand members. The are really a full feature online dating site just as you would expect for non-std sites. PositiveSingles is not limited to just people with herpes though, there membership also allows for people with HSV, hepatitis type B&C and HIV/AIDS. Although herpes is an incurable disease it is not a potentially fatal disease like HIV/AIDS. Privacy is a huge concern when it comes to something as sensitive as health conditions, PositiveSingles does allow you the ability to control who can and can not see your profile.
Meet People With Herpes: Meet People With Herpes, or more commonly known as MPWH is the largest dating site dedicated specifically to those with herpes/HPV. MPwH has a community atmosphere complete with forums, chat rooms, and a regularly updated bulletin. The user interface isn't as pretty as PositiveSingles but the membership is reportedly very active.
There are millions of people with herpes who are still living their lives, having successful relationships, getting married and having children. Your herpes diagnosis does not signal the end of your dating life.