Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Who Is a Jew by Choice?

There are roughly two hundred thousand Jews in The United States who selected to become Jews though they were born to non-Jewish elders.
These "Jews by Choice" became a vital part of the Jewish community.
Apparently, the Jewish folks have invariably been a community bound together by a standard history, a typical set of values and common ideals.
People who have shared in the Jewish practice have been called the Kids of Israel, not as we are physically the descendants of one man, nor as we are even remotely a race, but because we've all stood at Mt.
Sinai along with all of those who share our values and ideals.
This includes "Jews by Choice", almost all of whom became Jews because they married a Jew.
The significance of these changes to our custom is illustrated by considering these stats.
- There are in the U.
Not more than 4.
2 million folks who were born Jewish and whose faith is Judaism.
Along with Jews by Choice the quantity of Jewish followers is now about 4.
4 million.
- In 1937 Jews constituted 3.
7% of all American citizens and in 1968 the Jewish population had shrunk to 2.
9% of all northern Americans There are presently 1.
2 million US people who were born to Jewish elders but who've no faith.
If these people are thought to be Jewish then the grand total of Jews in The United States today is 5.
6 million or 1.
8% of the North American population.
- The North American Jewish community is older than the overall population.
Only 18.
9% of American Jews are under age fifteen while 21% of all north Americans are under 1- The Jewish population aged sixty five or even more comprises twenty p.
of all Jews.
Only 11% of US people are over age 6- - The birth rate of north Americans typically is about 1.
29 per girl age 25-3- For Jewish girls it's only.
87 and 1.
57 for people that practice Judaism.
- Since 1985 over 50% of all born Jews selected a better half who isn't Jewish.
Of the 3,186,000 Jewish homes in The United States only 57% are totally Jewish.
- seven hundred thousand kids born to 1 Jewish parent are raised in another faith.
- Non-Jewish spiritual practices are established among American Jews.
So, 28% of all American Jews have a Yuletide tree but only 22% light Sabbath candles every week.
- 72% of all American Jews don't belong to any Jewish organisation.
- There are at present 415,000 adults of Jewish parentage in The USA who belong to another faith.
All these facts have significant effects for Jewish survival in The USA and for the safety of Israel.
Certainly American flesh pressers know that our numbers are tiny and that our interests needn't be given much consideration if we won't influence the vote a lot.
This is beginning to become especially acute as Jews dissipate all over the US so the big voting block in NY and other eastern states are weakened.
Due to these critical issues in American Jewish community life we have undertaken some measure to negate these trends.
These measure are, in the primary, the including of ladies in leading Jewish community positions and the marketing of the Jewish day faculties and Jewish further education.
These subjects will be debated in the future columns.
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