The Law of Attraction got some attention a few years back, with the release of "The Secret".
I saw the movie a few years back.
I was intrigued, but I just kind of dropped it moved on.
It wasn't necessarily instructional, more informative.
It seemed like they were trying to convince people that the Law of Attraction was real.
A few years later, I ended up finding out that it's very real.
I also found out exactly how to use it to my advantage.
I actually won the lottery.
The way that I see it, we're using the Law of Attraction all the time, whether we know it or not.
The easiest way for me to explain it is that what we think of the most appears most prominently in our lives- especially if there are feelings attached to those thoughts.
An example of this would be super positive people that always have good things happen to them.
Conversely, super negative people seem to have bad things happen to them.
Most of us fall somewhere in the middle.
Without getting too metaphysical or new-agey, using the Law of Attraction to our advantage involves training the subconscious mind (which is extremely powerful) to coordinate with The Universe (which is also extremely powerful) to bring us situations and opportunities that can, if we act on them, bring us great abundance.
This all begins with a positive outlook, and expressing gratitude for everything in our lives.
It kind of seems too good to be true, but I assure you, I've used it myself, with great success.
There's definitely tricks to it.
It's a process that needs to be followed correctly in order for it to be most effective.
When I first found out about how real and powerful all of this was, I read a lot of information.
I sought it out and devoured it.
There's lots of information out there, but none of it seemed complete.
Not only that, but it was often times conflicting.
I waded through all of it, and found out what really works.
I also started small in my manifestations.
I think that if someone were to try for something huge right off the bat, they would get frustrated and give up.
I started with things like getting a parking space right up front in the shade.
That may seem insignificant to some, but in the hot dry western U.
, that's huge.
I expressed gratitude, and things just started happening.
Eventually, I won the lottery - and I still get great parking spots.
I saw the movie a few years back.
I was intrigued, but I just kind of dropped it moved on.
It wasn't necessarily instructional, more informative.
It seemed like they were trying to convince people that the Law of Attraction was real.
A few years later, I ended up finding out that it's very real.
I also found out exactly how to use it to my advantage.
I actually won the lottery.
The way that I see it, we're using the Law of Attraction all the time, whether we know it or not.
The easiest way for me to explain it is that what we think of the most appears most prominently in our lives- especially if there are feelings attached to those thoughts.
An example of this would be super positive people that always have good things happen to them.
Conversely, super negative people seem to have bad things happen to them.
Most of us fall somewhere in the middle.
Without getting too metaphysical or new-agey, using the Law of Attraction to our advantage involves training the subconscious mind (which is extremely powerful) to coordinate with The Universe (which is also extremely powerful) to bring us situations and opportunities that can, if we act on them, bring us great abundance.
This all begins with a positive outlook, and expressing gratitude for everything in our lives.
It kind of seems too good to be true, but I assure you, I've used it myself, with great success.
There's definitely tricks to it.
It's a process that needs to be followed correctly in order for it to be most effective.
When I first found out about how real and powerful all of this was, I read a lot of information.
I sought it out and devoured it.
There's lots of information out there, but none of it seemed complete.
Not only that, but it was often times conflicting.
I waded through all of it, and found out what really works.
I also started small in my manifestations.
I think that if someone were to try for something huge right off the bat, they would get frustrated and give up.
I started with things like getting a parking space right up front in the shade.
That may seem insignificant to some, but in the hot dry western U.
, that's huge.
I expressed gratitude, and things just started happening.
Eventually, I won the lottery - and I still get great parking spots.