Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Dangers of Online Dating - Simple Safety Tips

The Internet is definitely one of the best available resources if you are looking to find someone special, but be warned, there are also many dangers associated with online dating.
While both men and women are at risk.
It is generally the woman who will be exposed to the more serious dangers and we would like to help you to protect yourself and to stay safe.
Here are a few dangers of this form of dating that you should be mindful of in your pursuit of internet love and happiness.
Beware of Scam Artists By far, one of the biggest dangers of online dating is becoming involved in one of the many scams circulating the internet.
You have probably already heard stories about people who subscribed to one of the many dating sites to try and find love and friendship and who ended up getting conned.
Generally these cons involve money but often the perpetrators are more interested in trying to taking advantage of the other person in a sexual way.
Police enforcement agencies work diligently to identify the thousands of con artists out there working the many different online dating companies around the world.
Their job in weeding out these con artists is often quite difficult given the anonymity that the perpetrators are provided over the internet.
In fact the con artist can be on the other side of the world but is able to lead you to believe that they are quite local to you.
It is often not too difficult to spot a 'scammer' as generally they will try to get as much information from you as quickly as possible.
As soon as you meet online they generally ask quite personal questions such as your marital status, age, appearance, job and other information so that they can build a profile of you.
They often push you to send them photographs and they eagerly try to send you theirs.
In an attempt to gain your interest the photograph that they are all to willing to send through is more than likely not of themselves, but instead a snapshot of some very good looking person.
They will also badger you for your home address, email address and phone contact numbers on the pretense that they want to get to know you better.
If at this stage you begin to feel uncomfortable it is important that you cease contact with this person immediately rather than run the chance of getting hooked in.
Any typical and respectable online dater will be aware that you don't just hit the other person with loads of personal questions, as they are aware for the need to build a relationship online before trying to meet in person.
When it comes to meeting in person take note of what is being said and try to verify their true identity and personal circumstance from the information they have already revealed to you.
If you intend to meet your new online friend in person for the first time it should be done in a very public place or while you are in a group.
If the other person objects to a group or public place meeting then your alarm bells should start ringing as the chances are that they are hiding something - perhaps they are married (when they tell you they are not) or maybe their intentions are not aligned with honor and integrity.
Provided that you always proceed with caution and take the necessary steps to keep yourself safe you should not have any serious problems with your dating experiences.
Having said that there definitely dangers associated with online dating but there are also ways to avoid them.
So if you have been reluctant to go online and meet someone then put your fear aside and live a little.
Use your common sense, always follow your gut instinct and only meet in a public place or group environment until you are absolutely comfortable with your online date.
Internet dating is the way of the future and there are thousands of happy couples who would not be together if it was not for this new medium of meeting people.
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