Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Stuck? Wouldn"t It Be Nice If?

Wouldn't it be nice if there were an easy way to get unstuck, move out of a slump, feel better, and create what you want in life? There is a light and playful process you can use to accomplish all this and more.
It is so simple, though, that you might not think it could do much at all for you.
But it does work for many, many people and it could help you too.
What Is This Process?The process is "Wouldn't it be nice if...
?" from Esther and Jerry Hicks' book, Ask and It Is Given.
All you do is start with those words and then complete the sentence.
You can use this process every day for anything.
Ask yourself "Wouldn't it be nice if...
?" whenever you: * Are feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, discouraged, worried, or otherwise negative * Want to improve anything in your life * Are focused on what you don't want or what isn't working * Would like to feel better * Want to set your intention How Do You Do It? You complete "Wouldn't it be nice if...
?" with whatever it is you would like to have happen.
That's all there is to it.
You can think, say out loud, or write your sentence.
Depending on what you want, you could say to yourself: * Wouldn't it be nice if I had a wonderful time today with my family? or * Wouldn't if be nice if I knew what I wanted to do with my life? or * Wouldn't it be nice if a parking space showed up right now? I did this recently when I was driving around a packed parking garage.
I couldn't find a single available spot and no one was even walking toward a car.
I started to get frustrated.
Then I said to myself, "Wouldn't be nice if I found a parking space with ease?" I got inspired to drive to another floor even though that floor is usually completely full.
Surprisingly, it was half-empty and I had my choice of spaces.
Was this divine intervention? Did I get more creative when I lightened up with "Wouldn't be nice if?" I don't know how it happened and I do know that it worked! You can also complete multiple sentences for an area of your life, creatively coming up with as many desired possibilities as you can.
For example, if you were struggling with a work project and feeling frustrated and burned out by it, you could spend a few minutes writing sentences such as: Wouldn't it be nice if..
I finished this project with ease? ..
Someone else would help me with this project? ..
I got inspired about this project? ..
This project was a huge success? What Does It Do For You? Doing the "Wouldn't it be nice if...
?" process opens more possibilities in your mind.
It raises your energy and focuses your attention on something more positive, on what you would like to happen.
It lifts your mood and makes you feel better.
"Wouldn't it be nice if...
?" is a great way to set your intentions.
It doesn't have the pressure, attachment, and need that intentions sometimes have.
When you use "Wouldn't it be nice if...
?" you can choose what you want and focus on your intention, yet be light and easy with it.
With this process you are opening to and allowing for something better to happen.
If you're a fan of "The Secret" or the Law of Attraction, "Wouldn't it be nice if...
?" is an excellent way to raise your vibration and increase your ability to attract what you want.
Even if you don't know about or believe in any of that, this process will still work for you.
The more you use "Wouldn't it be nice if..
?" the more those five words will cue you to shift your energy, focus, and attention.
Even before you complete the sentence! In Your Life Why not try this fun, light, playful process for yourself? Play with it when you're waiting in line, in the car, when you first get up in the morning, or anytime you have a couple of minutes.
It takes just a moment to think one "Wouldn't it be nice if...
?" sentence or perhaps five minutes if you want to write many sentences.
Notice how "Wouldn't it be nice if...
?" changes your state of mind, your feelings, your energy -- and maybe even what happens in your life! If you want to lightly, easily, and quickly increase your energy, feel better, and create more of what you truly want in life, make "Wouldn't it be nice if...
?" a part of every day.
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