Overall, impossible is just a word to limit our beliefs and potential as to what we can and should do. Practically, it destroys our goals and puts us in a nutshell which we subconsciously resigned to as our comfort zone. Moreover, it contradicts on how to make everything possible.
We all have dreams and aspirations. However big or small they are does not matter. What matters is how we go about fulfilling and turning them into realities. If not, we will continue dreaming and our dreams will remain just dreams.
This is a sad turn of events in our lives. Instead of experiencing true joy and fulfilment, we remained in contentment with day-to-day living and doing the same thing while expecting different results.
Though the path to success is never easy unless your family is rich, you should never let those obstacles restrict you. Instead you should use them as motivation to aim higher. That is how we develop and improve.
Many people want success. But success is simply the end result and long way from aiming for success. It is the process that links these two that determines those who want success and do anything possible to achieve and those expect and wait for success without doing anything.
The latter is also defined into one word called procrastination. They are unsure and unable to decide even if they know what they should do to achieve success. But success usually comes with a price. If you want something better, you may have to let go another which seems to comfort you but does not benefit you in the long run.
A great example is if you want to be entrepreneur, you have to act and think like an entrepreneur. Even it means giving up your employment and basic pay. Some thought by doing this part-time while working as employee full time, they can gain the best of everything.
Unfortunately that is the wrong way. Believe me, I have done that and it make me more tired and poorer than before. If you want something badly, you can focus on that wholeheartedly without letting anything else distract you. The same goes for those depending on the government for a living instead of determining their own destiny.
If everybody think that way, there will be no entrepreneurs, inventions, innovations and breakthroughs in human achievements.
Think Bill Gates, Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg and creators of Google and Youtube. What do they all have in common?
Anybody can dream and imagine big things. But when it comes to doing, that is where most fail. They give excuses that is not possible, profitable and a total waste of time without even giving themselves a chance. In short, they automatically disqualifies themselves from success before even taking the first step.
Success does not come to those who just dream but to those who dream and will do their best to make everything possible.
We all have dreams and aspirations. However big or small they are does not matter. What matters is how we go about fulfilling and turning them into realities. If not, we will continue dreaming and our dreams will remain just dreams.
This is a sad turn of events in our lives. Instead of experiencing true joy and fulfilment, we remained in contentment with day-to-day living and doing the same thing while expecting different results.
Though the path to success is never easy unless your family is rich, you should never let those obstacles restrict you. Instead you should use them as motivation to aim higher. That is how we develop and improve.
Many people want success. But success is simply the end result and long way from aiming for success. It is the process that links these two that determines those who want success and do anything possible to achieve and those expect and wait for success without doing anything.
The latter is also defined into one word called procrastination. They are unsure and unable to decide even if they know what they should do to achieve success. But success usually comes with a price. If you want something better, you may have to let go another which seems to comfort you but does not benefit you in the long run.
A great example is if you want to be entrepreneur, you have to act and think like an entrepreneur. Even it means giving up your employment and basic pay. Some thought by doing this part-time while working as employee full time, they can gain the best of everything.
Unfortunately that is the wrong way. Believe me, I have done that and it make me more tired and poorer than before. If you want something badly, you can focus on that wholeheartedly without letting anything else distract you. The same goes for those depending on the government for a living instead of determining their own destiny.
If everybody think that way, there will be no entrepreneurs, inventions, innovations and breakthroughs in human achievements.
Think Bill Gates, Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg and creators of Google and Youtube. What do they all have in common?
Anybody can dream and imagine big things. But when it comes to doing, that is where most fail. They give excuses that is not possible, profitable and a total waste of time without even giving themselves a chance. In short, they automatically disqualifies themselves from success before even taking the first step.
Success does not come to those who just dream but to those who dream and will do their best to make everything possible.