What makes you angry, or upset?I am a cancer survivor, and people all praise me saying that I have a very strong will to live.
But, they do not know, how hurt and sad I am inside, I would remain quiet, and my true feelings are hidden behind a smiling 'mask'.
I had an insensitive and unapproachable father.
Mommy is going on a vacation, without me.I love my mother; she was with me, beside me and always there for me.
I remember the dark days, months when I was fighting the effects of cancer treatment.
Survival was my main focus at that time.
I would always remember my mother face when she was putting up a strong front to make me feel hopeful of the coming major operations I was to go through.
Many people thought that I will not survive any operations as I had two tumors, one on my head, and another just behind my brain stem in the neck area.
I am tearing a little as I type this article out as the sour feelings in my heart are poured out and for all to see.
I may seem like a very strong person who has everything in my life.
However, this is not the reality.
There are so many things to balance in life, that I always wanted to break away from, yet, only my mother somehow understands the pain and bitterness I have, despite the "Happy family" outlook people have when they see my mother and I together.
ComaDespite being unconscious, my mother and brother accompanied , prayed and supported me.
Until I awoke, did the staff nurse tell the the story at night during my routine vitamin injections.
Many times, the television only shows the end result.
However, not too many people knows about the entire process.
I lived on, as laughter is the BEST medicineIn all situations, I consider the impact on my family, and my friends; in summary; the people around me.
I remember the times I spent with my brother laughing so hard that my stomach muscles actually went sore! My brother, settled my mind.
His name is Perry Lai , he is a very committed person to his life objectives, and he has progressed so far from where he was, before his life decision was made.
Light at the end of the tunnelI have made it, and survived the cancer illness, completed therapeutic treatments and lived for more than five years.
However, I admit, I had never got a real understanding of my father; neither did I make myself heard on the stage of the whole 'non- immediate' family.
My New Objective: FINANCIAL FREEDOMThe simple reason is the issue of competitiveness, concerning education level and accomplishments.
I have made none, in the eyes of the 'non- immediate' family.
Likewise, you need a new focus in life, to live on with a purpose!