Since it has been found that 60% of all ex's lie to hide what they truly feel after a break up, we can never really truly believe the things they say. Instead, look for signs your ex has feelings for you based on the way they talk as well as look. They will give you the subtle hints if they are really sincere with what they feel.
Listen to the tone of their voice
Aside from the words that may come out of their mouth, listen carefully to how they say things. You probably know your ex enough to distinguish what tone are they using on you. Every individual speaks differently depending on their mood as well as to the person they are talking to. This is the reason why it is one of the most convenient methods to use when you want to know more about what your ex is thinking.
Is it the lover tone, the one they used to speak when you are still a couple? Do they speak as if they are impatient? Or they are just mainly indifferent? As long as you know your ex well enough, this is a great tool for you.
Where is their focus when you talk?
This one you don't have to be face to face to know. If your ex still has feelings for you, they wouldn't seem distracted and out of focus when you talk. They wouldn't appear bored too and would even push the ball rolling by interacting with you. It's hard to fake this one especially if you tend to ask them some questions.
Also notice where your ex is looking, when they are talking to you are they looking at you giving you their full attention or looking elsewhere. Most people will look away when they are lying or aren't telling you the whole truth.
Think about the words they use
If their sentences would usually refer to "I" than "we", then either they don't think much of you or they are just self-absorbed. You can say that your ex may have some feelings left if they would frequently use "you" and "we" in their sentences. It means that you are still in their future plans and they are concerned with that is happening with your life.
If you have never used these indicators as signs your ex has feelings for you, why don't you try it now? You would be surprised by the results. It can give you a better idea what's the real deal.
After reading this article -> Wouldn't you love to know the SECRET to getting your ex back?
I probably shouldn't reveal this to you, but I want to help because I was just like you not long ago. Take 2 minutes to check out the next page. You'll discover stunning tactics to get your ex practically begging to want you back. These psychological tricks are extremely powerful when used right. I urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late... Does My Ex Still Love Me?
Listen to the tone of their voice
Aside from the words that may come out of their mouth, listen carefully to how they say things. You probably know your ex enough to distinguish what tone are they using on you. Every individual speaks differently depending on their mood as well as to the person they are talking to. This is the reason why it is one of the most convenient methods to use when you want to know more about what your ex is thinking.
Is it the lover tone, the one they used to speak when you are still a couple? Do they speak as if they are impatient? Or they are just mainly indifferent? As long as you know your ex well enough, this is a great tool for you.
Where is their focus when you talk?
This one you don't have to be face to face to know. If your ex still has feelings for you, they wouldn't seem distracted and out of focus when you talk. They wouldn't appear bored too and would even push the ball rolling by interacting with you. It's hard to fake this one especially if you tend to ask them some questions.
Also notice where your ex is looking, when they are talking to you are they looking at you giving you their full attention or looking elsewhere. Most people will look away when they are lying or aren't telling you the whole truth.
Think about the words they use
If their sentences would usually refer to "I" than "we", then either they don't think much of you or they are just self-absorbed. You can say that your ex may have some feelings left if they would frequently use "you" and "we" in their sentences. It means that you are still in their future plans and they are concerned with that is happening with your life.
If you have never used these indicators as signs your ex has feelings for you, why don't you try it now? You would be surprised by the results. It can give you a better idea what's the real deal.
After reading this article -> Wouldn't you love to know the SECRET to getting your ex back?
I probably shouldn't reveal this to you, but I want to help because I was just like you not long ago. Take 2 minutes to check out the next page. You'll discover stunning tactics to get your ex practically begging to want you back. These psychological tricks are extremely powerful when used right. I urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late... Does My Ex Still Love Me?