Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Things You Should Know Before Introducing Sex Toys to Your Partner

It is not just the usage of a sex toys, but also introducing adult toys to your partner.
It is an art in itself.
In order to make sure that your sex toy becomes the means of blissful pleasure for you and your partner, the introduction of the toy should be done tastefully and gracefully.
There is a huge section of people who are either unaware of the concept of sex toys or are closed to the idea of using one owing to social taboos.
If your partner happens to be one such person, you might have to work just a little harder to convince them into trying these phenomenal toys.
Sex is an activity that requires equal amount of participation from both partners.
Hence, prior approval is extremely essential before introducing sex toys to your partner.
The first step in this direction would be to casually broach up the topic while your partner is in a receptive mode.
At this point of time, it becomes your duty to clear all the misconceptions, which your partner might have about the use of such toys.
You must also give them in-depth information about the toy you are intending to buy.
There are chances that your partner might feel intimidated are challenged with this suggestion.
Explain to them that toys are purely a means of providing additional pleasure to both of you and cannot take place of your partner.
Once the mental block in your partner's mind is eliminated, the process of introducing sex toys to your partner will become considerably simpler.
Take your partners suggestions and comfort levels into consideration while choosing an adult toys.
Please remember to buy a simple toy if this is going to be your first experience with a sex toy.
The quality and source of the toy should also be taken into consideration in the selection process.
Once the toy reaches you, read the instruction manual carefully to acquaint yourself with the functioning of the toy.
You could also try using the toy on yourself first in order to be in a better position to demonstrate it to your partner.
Patience is the main key to introducing adult toys to your partner.
While using a sex toy for the first time, ensure that both you and your partner are relaxed and have ample of time in hand.
You will first need to make your partner comfortable and get him/her in the mood by cuddling and only then introduce the sex toy.
Initially they might be a little hesitant to try it on themselves but once when they experience the level of gratification offered, they will never want to have sex the conventional way.
Toys, if introduced tactfully can not only be accepted, but also adored by your partner.
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