Home & Garden Pest Control

What Drives Ants Indoors?

When faced with drought or flood, ants will seek better accommodations, preferably someplace moist, but not wet, and warm. A large environmental change, such as the grading of woodlands can also drive them into buildings, seeking food. A home or office doesn't have to be 'dirty' to house these beasties. Ants are more than happy to dine on crumbs and bits of sweets you may not even notice, while our cupboards, baseboards, and walls provide them with shelter. Our wires and pipes provide ant 'highways'; ants prefer to move along these, carpet edges, and the corners of walls.

Everyone has had to contend with these household pests at one time or another. They drive us crazy as we try to figure out where they came from, how to get rid of them, and what we can do to prevent them. As annoying as they are, they're easy to prevent and not too difficult to remove. In most cases, you can do the work yourself without having to call in an exterminator.

Most ants nest outdoors. To keep them from migrating indoors, a little preventative maintenance is necessary. If your home is prone to ant infestation, spray an insecticide formulated specifically for outdoor ant removal around the outside perimeter of your house. If you're unsure of what product to use, call your exterminator and see if he has a recommendation. Move trash receptacles away from the outer walls of your house and seal any cracks or crevices with a silicone caulk. Pour boiling water down ant holes to drown them. If you have aphids, white flies or mealy bugs in your garden, take steps to remove these pests as well. These insects attract ants because of the sweet residue they leave behind after eating sap.

The first step in indoor ant removal is to figure out why they're coming into your home. Chances are if you have one ant, you have a hundred. Follow the trail to see where they're coming from and where they're going. In most cases, ants are in the house because they're looking for food.

It's been said that if you step on an ant, it may leave behind a scent, which will attract other ants to its corpse. It's best to vacuum any ants (dead or alive) so no scent is left behind. If you do step on ants in your home, immediately wipe up the area with soap and water.

Before you run out and purchase chemicals that may be harmful to children and pets, you can try one of the home remedies listed here.

For more relevant information of this said topic, check and refer to the links below"

ant control west auckland, ant control east auckland
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