Home & Garden Pest Control

DX610 Pest-A-Repel - An Electronic Ultrasonic Pest Repeller

The Dx610 Pest-A-Repel Electronic Ultrasonic Pest repeller is a device that uses the normal ultrasonic technologies just like other gadgets but is more sophisticated since the waves that are produced here use the auto change feature.
What this means is that once it has been plugged in and it is functioning the frequencies emitted will either reduce or decrease after a given period of time.
Some insects and rodents will tend to get accustomed to the sound produced by these devices and tend to become resistant after some time and not be irritated at all.
Some even go and hide in places where the waves are unreachable then they show up once you have switched it off.
This is where this device becomes helpful.
It has no chemicals and traps and can cover a surface area of up to 2000 square feet, however if you have a larger house, you might consider purchasing two or more units for each level so that at least every corner will be covered.
It goes for close to $30 if you purchase online at Amazon stores and this will not leave you broke considering it is a one time purchase unlike the use of chemicals and the hire of exterminators.
The other thing about the Dx610 Electronic Pest Repeller is that it is very safe around your pets and even the kids will not hear a thing as the waves are designed not to be heard or felt by human beings with the exception of some pet rodents like hamsters.
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