Depending on where you live flea bites can be seasonal.
If you live where winters are cold, then they infest homes and animals during the warmer months.
If you live where it is mild climate all year, then the flea invasions occur throughout the entire year.
Regardless of the season, flea bites bring discomfort to all households they invade.
Fleas are a very cultured insect.
They can live where ever they have a blood host to feed off of, either animal or man.
They live on both wild and domestic animals.
Some have a preference host, but any blood host will keep them fed.
Fleas will get on your animals and catch a ride into your home.
Once in your home they will quickly multiply.
The fleas infest your furniture, bedding and carpets.
When you are walking, sitting, or sleeping they attack you leaving groups of bites on your body.
Flea bites tend to be grouped together, because the flea tends stays in one area for random feeding.
The most commonly found on your legs and ankles, because they jump from the floor to your legs.
However, if they are on furniture the bites can also be found on your face and arms.
Most flea bites are small red firm bumps.
Some bites get small or large blisters in the middle of the bumps.
They tend to be very itchy, especially to those that are sensitive.
Young children and sensitive adults tend to react to flea bites with the large blisters.
As with other insects fleas can be attracted to some people more so than others.
Getting rid of these gregarious insects is not an easy task.
The pesticide bombs and sprays sold in stores for the do it yourself approach are not effective and require a tremendous amount of work.
Most sprays and bombs require you to wash all fabric, kitchen ware, and any surfaces once the treatment is complete.
Once you have treated your home and washed every surface of its contents and give your pet's flea treatments, nothing is more frustrating than finding that the fleas still share your humble abode and continue to feast on your ankles.
Most of the home treatments do not kill the flea eggs.
When you think the fleas have been exterminated and your home is safe, a few days later the flea eggs hatch.
Then to your surprise, you find more flea bites on your legs from the new generation.
To get rid of the flea bite problem in your home you need to hire a professional pest control service and take your animals to be professionally treated.
This is the most efficient way to rid your home of these pesky critters that continue to leave flea bites on you and your pets.
An expert pest control service can evaluate your individual flea bite problem and provide you with a quick safe solution that will guarantee your flea bite issue is gone for good.
If you live where winters are cold, then they infest homes and animals during the warmer months.
If you live where it is mild climate all year, then the flea invasions occur throughout the entire year.
Regardless of the season, flea bites bring discomfort to all households they invade.
Fleas are a very cultured insect.
They can live where ever they have a blood host to feed off of, either animal or man.
They live on both wild and domestic animals.
Some have a preference host, but any blood host will keep them fed.
Fleas will get on your animals and catch a ride into your home.
Once in your home they will quickly multiply.
The fleas infest your furniture, bedding and carpets.
When you are walking, sitting, or sleeping they attack you leaving groups of bites on your body.
Flea bites tend to be grouped together, because the flea tends stays in one area for random feeding.
The most commonly found on your legs and ankles, because they jump from the floor to your legs.
However, if they are on furniture the bites can also be found on your face and arms.
Most flea bites are small red firm bumps.
Some bites get small or large blisters in the middle of the bumps.
They tend to be very itchy, especially to those that are sensitive.
Young children and sensitive adults tend to react to flea bites with the large blisters.
As with other insects fleas can be attracted to some people more so than others.
Getting rid of these gregarious insects is not an easy task.
The pesticide bombs and sprays sold in stores for the do it yourself approach are not effective and require a tremendous amount of work.
Most sprays and bombs require you to wash all fabric, kitchen ware, and any surfaces once the treatment is complete.
Once you have treated your home and washed every surface of its contents and give your pet's flea treatments, nothing is more frustrating than finding that the fleas still share your humble abode and continue to feast on your ankles.
Most of the home treatments do not kill the flea eggs.
When you think the fleas have been exterminated and your home is safe, a few days later the flea eggs hatch.
Then to your surprise, you find more flea bites on your legs from the new generation.
To get rid of the flea bite problem in your home you need to hire a professional pest control service and take your animals to be professionally treated.
This is the most efficient way to rid your home of these pesky critters that continue to leave flea bites on you and your pets.
An expert pest control service can evaluate your individual flea bite problem and provide you with a quick safe solution that will guarantee your flea bite issue is gone for good.