If you live in one of the areas in the country that is home to the Brown Recluse Spider you have probably heard stories about what this little spider can do.
It is a very dangerous insect that you do not want to have anywhere near you.
Keep reading this article and learn a little bit more about this spider to help you protect yourself.
The Brown Recluse is a very interesting insect with a fearsome reputation.
This spider gets its name from is brown color and its reclusive behavior.
It is a small spider at only about 3/8 of an inch in length with a violin shaped dark mark on its body.
It prefers to stay in areas that are seldom disturbed and that are protected.
In nature you will find it in holes in trees, under logs and other undisturbed areas.
In your home it will also seek areas that offer protection like corners of closets, inside clothing or even in bed sheets.
The Brown Recluse lives primarily in the South and Midwest but they can venture out of this area when transported in furniture or packing boxes.
Because of its reclusive nature it is not a very aggressive spider and will only bite when threatened.
Unfortunately if it chooses a hiding place in clothing or in your bed it will feel threatened when you put the clothing on or roll over onto it.
Once bitten the venom will cause the skin to slough off in the area of the bite.
This leaves a wound that is hard to heal and will usually result in a scar.
Most bites are not lethal but can be quite painful.
If you think you have been bitten by a brown recluse you should consult a doctor.
To identify an infestation you can look for several things.
You can look for the spiders white irregular webs, egg sacs and of course the live spiders themselves.
Hopefully this article has given you some useful information on the Brown Recluse.
If you believe you have an infestation contact a local pest control service.
It is a very dangerous insect that you do not want to have anywhere near you.
Keep reading this article and learn a little bit more about this spider to help you protect yourself.
The Brown Recluse is a very interesting insect with a fearsome reputation.
This spider gets its name from is brown color and its reclusive behavior.
It is a small spider at only about 3/8 of an inch in length with a violin shaped dark mark on its body.
It prefers to stay in areas that are seldom disturbed and that are protected.
In nature you will find it in holes in trees, under logs and other undisturbed areas.
In your home it will also seek areas that offer protection like corners of closets, inside clothing or even in bed sheets.
The Brown Recluse lives primarily in the South and Midwest but they can venture out of this area when transported in furniture or packing boxes.
Because of its reclusive nature it is not a very aggressive spider and will only bite when threatened.
Unfortunately if it chooses a hiding place in clothing or in your bed it will feel threatened when you put the clothing on or roll over onto it.
Once bitten the venom will cause the skin to slough off in the area of the bite.
This leaves a wound that is hard to heal and will usually result in a scar.
Most bites are not lethal but can be quite painful.
If you think you have been bitten by a brown recluse you should consult a doctor.
To identify an infestation you can look for several things.
You can look for the spiders white irregular webs, egg sacs and of course the live spiders themselves.
Hopefully this article has given you some useful information on the Brown Recluse.
If you believe you have an infestation contact a local pest control service.