Home & Garden Pest Control

How to Kill Bed Bugs Effectively

Did you know that even the ostensibly cleanest homes and hotels could still harbor bed bugs? That is because their presence is not really related to whether a place is sanitary or not.
Sanitation can surely keep them at bay but it is not the key solution to effectively rid your place of bed bugs.
Products are offered because these bugs are not easy to eliminate.
How effective a product depends on how resolute you are in getting rid of the critters.
You have to detect if there are bugs and nesting areas in your home or office before using any insecticide or spray.
  • Look for possible hiding areas such as dark and isolated spots.
  • Inspect cracks and crevices, headboards, footboards, railings, wall posters, switch plates, mounted frames - any possible hiding place because they can be just about everywhere.
  • Check for rips or open seams in your mattress, the favorite place of bed bugs.
  • Flick through other soft furnishings such as sofas, another bug favored spot.
Because bed bugs have become a growing problem, different products have emerged.
These may be used in most type of dwellings including dormitories, barracks and other shelters.
What Are Bed Bugs? Cimex lecturarius (Cimicidae) is the scientific name of what is known as the common bed bugs.
These wingless creatures used to be parasites that inhabited bird and bat nests but have adapted to our environment and have now come to invade our homes.
They feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals, humans included.
Their bites could lead to various discomforts, allergies and other skin conditions.
Adult bed bugs are oval in shape, flat and about a quarter of an inch in size while newborn bugs called nymphs are less than a millimeter in length.
Generally deep brown in color, they turn a darker red, almost black, after feeding and would intuitively seek their dark hideouts when disturbed.
What Are Bed Bug Products? There are chemical and biological products that can kill the bugs but the most commonly bought and used is an insecticide spray.
Biological spray products are generally safe to use while chemical spray, when not used properly could be harmful to humans.
Always read labels and follow instructions carefully when using products to kill these creepy crawlers.
Most bites simply go away in a week or two but should certain skin conditions happen that could possibly worsen, there are means to relieve the symptoms.
Topical creams and oral antihistamines are some of the ways to relieve itching but for more severe cases like skin infection; a doctor may prescribe an antibiotic.
Other than bed bug products, there are natural ways to kill and get rid of the bugs and that includes washing your clothes, curtains, pillow cases, bed sheets, towels thoroughly in very hot water.
Follow this with drying them in at least 120 °F but no over than 160 °F temperature setting.
You may also do the following:
  • For delicate items that cannot be subjected to chemicals or to dry cleaning, place them in a loosely packed but sealed plastic bags and place under the sun for a minimum of 24 hours, more if necessary to ensure the bugs actually die.
    Make sure the items are completely dry.
  • In locations or season where sun is not an option, freezing is an alternative procedure.
    However, freezing the critters to death may take about 1 to 2 weeks.
  • Seek the assistance of professionals if house heating need to be an option because ordinary house heaters won't work.
  • It will help make insecticides work more effectively if prior to treatment, vacuuming is conducted to dislodge eggs and disturb deeply hidden bugs to come out.
    Make sure to place vacuumed dirt and bugs in a tightly sealed bag and dispose of properly.
  • Badly infested items may have to be discarded.
    Have a professional pest controller do this to avoid spread of the pests to nearby areas.
Killing these creatures using bed bug products combined with firmly observing the steps below will help ensure their elimination effectively:
  • Integrated Pest Management - preventive measures, sanitation and chemical treatments are the ways you need to observe to keep bed bugs away.
  • Repair and maintenance - walls, floors and ceilings should be free of cracks and other harborage spots to discourage infestation.
  • Spot treatment - apply insecticide (common choice is pyrethoids) to hiding places like cracks and crevices and repeat after two weeks from first treatment to eliminate eggs that may have hatched.
Bed bug products and the proper and careful use of them may be your best bet in effectively keeping these unwanted creatures at bay.
But if the problem is already at its worse, don't fret.
Enlist the professional services of certified pest control team.
They surely know how to take care of what's bugging you.
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