Home & Garden Pest Control

5 Helpful Hints For Getting Rid of Bed Bugs

Bed bug infestations are on the rise and this has led to a huge increase in the number of people needing to find ways of getting rid of bed bugs.
Many experts describe the problem as an epidemic, but our only concern is to find the best ways of getting rid of bed bugs, and keep them away.
So here are 5 hints for getting rid of bed bugs.
Thoroughly clean your mattress using a vacuum cleaner.
Repair any holes in the mattress, or if it's old or badly damaged you may be better off buying a new one.
Alternatively, you can treat it with a special product and then protect it inside a mattress cover.
Check around your rooms for cracks or holes, particularly around pipes, skirting boards/baseboards.
Fill any cracks and gaps that you find to prevent the bedbugs getting in.
Clean all of your carpets with a vacuum cleaner, paying close attention to the edges and corners, where eggs may have been laid.
When you're finished with the vacuum, remove the bag and place it inside a plastic bag, seal it and place in the outdoor trash.
If you use a 'bagless' vacuum, make sure you wash out the dust container thoroughly.
Scrub all solid floor surfaces with hot water, a stiff brush, and disinfectant, to dislodge and remove any eggs.
Wash all bed linen in a washing machine using the hottest wash possible.
Do the same with all of your clothing.
There are a number of commercial products that are available for home use.
Each product will have its own instructions regarding its use.
Some products can only be used on hard surfaces, whilst others can be used on any surface, and some are not suitable for use on beds or bedding.
Therefore, it is very important to follow the products instructions very carefully.
It can be quite time consuming getting rid of bed bugs yourself, but it is possible and it will save you loads of money.
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