Home & Garden Pest Control

Spiders and Dusting - You Can Stop Spiders With These Easy Steps

You're probably asking what in the world does dusting have to do with spiders? If your home is invaded with spiders, you're probably thinking you don't have time for these games but bear with me and read on.
If your home is infested with these annoying spiders then you have a problem and here is a solution that you probably never thought of in terms of spider control.
Every week we clean and dust our homes but if you use Lemon Pledge furniture polish then you are using a natural spider repellent without even knowing it.
Spiders have taste buds at the tips of their legs which prove really convenient for you.
Spiders hate the smell of lemon so when they walk on it they automatically get out of there as quickly as possible.
What a wonderful alternative to harmful pesticides! During your dusting, use a little on the baseboards of your rooms as well on the floor inside the frames of your exit doors.
Dust all your window sills as well as around your door frames.
This product can also be used on the outside of your home only you'll need a little more than what you used on the inside.
Don't be surprised if your ants move out as quickly as they moved in.
If you have laminate floors use some all around the room on the floors.
Don't put it out too far from the baseboards just in case it can become slippery.
This dusting aid is a wonderful alternative to using pesticides or insecticides as spiders do help the environment by feeding off other insects and in turn become dinner for other insects bigger than they are.
This way you are just driving the spiders away and as long as they stay outside you can live peacefully side by side Dusting with Lemon Pledge is one way of doing this successfully.
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