Home & Garden Pest Control

What Are the Dangers of Pest Control Chemicals

Different varieties of insects and bugs can invade your property.
Most of these insects and bugs are carriers of deadly diseases and viruses which can affect anyone living in the property.
Some insects, such as termites, that can even inflict structural damages.
With that said, it is essential to find ways to address this household problem.
A common pest control method is the use of chemical pesticides and insecticides.
Using these chemicals can be effective to some extent; however, there are a number of negative effects that can put you, your family, and your pets in danger.
What Are Pesticides? Pesticides can be used to get rid of insects and bugs, including roaches, fleas, flies, mosquitoes, and bed bugs.
This is a mixture of substances used to control and eliminate different types of pest using chemicals.
This chemical substance works by physically, biologically, and chemically interfering with their target's metabolism or normal behavior.
Unfortunately, the chemicals found in most pesticides are toxic and can harm humans and animals as well.
This is because the residue of these chemicals can contaminate water, groundwater, soil, and the air that we breathe.
These chemicals can have a negative effect towards people's health, especially if they are exposed to it for long periods of time.
The Dangers Of Pesticides If you or any of your family members is exposed to huge quantities of pesticides, you might suffer from certain health conditions.
Studies have shown that long exposure to pesticides can result to:
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD
  • Alzheimer's Disease
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Cancer
These chemical substances can also affect our respiratory, endocrine, and reproductive systems.
In fact, pregnant women who are frequently exposed to these chemicals have a higher risk of miscarriage, or giving birth to infants with birth defects and deficiencies.
In addition, children are also vulnerable to the negative side effects of using chemical pesticides.
They might suffer from asthma and might develop a learning disability.
Since these substances have negative and potentially fatal side effects, it is best to avoid using them.
If you are in need of a solution to control insects and bugs at home, you can consider applying natural and non-toxic solutions.
There are many natural pest control solutions, such as garlic, tea-tree oil, and other essential oils.
If these solutions are used, they can provide effective pest control just like chemical pesticides but without the harmful chemicals.
You can also look for pest control companies offering eco-friendly pest control solutions.
These solutions are much safer to use since they have little to no side effects.
In addition, it is also safe for the environment since it uses natural substance instead of toxic chemicals
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