For most guys, it is obvious why their girlfriend left: it is something that they did (or didn't do) or some sort of behavior that she simply wasn't going to put up with.
But, for some individuals, the reason she left can be a lot harder to swallow.
You see, there doesn't always have to be a reasonable explanation.
In fact, she may have left you for completely selfish reasons that have nothing to do with anything you did in particular.
In other words, you could have done everything right and still ended up dumped.
This is, by far, the worst situation that a guy can find himself in.
If you are absolutely sure that you have done nothing wrong, then the real reason she left may have more to do with you, personally.
If she fell out of love with you, there is not a thing you are going to be able to do to prevent the breakup from happening.
Now, to say that you did nothing wrong may be a little premature.
It would be more accurate, in most cases, to say that you did nothing wrong intentionally.
In any case, this puts you at quite a disadvantage because there is nothing that you can really fix and there is no way that you can force her to fall in love with you again.
The only choice you have is to create the right atmosphere to have her start feeling attraction towards you again.
The first thing you need to do in a situation like this is to give her lots of space.
There is nothing you are going to say or do at this point in time that is going to make the situation better anyway.
In fact, all you are likely to do is show her how desperate you really are.
Desperation is the last thing you want to be showing her at the moment.
Instead, you should be working on things that will get her interested again.
Creating attraction is a complicated thing, but you already have a head start by showing her that you are not going to cave in and beg her to come back.
Next, make it look as though you are having the time of your life without her.
Don't intentionally parade a new partner in front of her or anything like that - this is going to be too obvious.
The key here is to make it look natural.
When she sees that the breakup is having little effect on you, she may be forced to rethink her position.
As they say: absence makes the heart grow fonder.
But, for some individuals, the reason she left can be a lot harder to swallow.
You see, there doesn't always have to be a reasonable explanation.
In fact, she may have left you for completely selfish reasons that have nothing to do with anything you did in particular.
In other words, you could have done everything right and still ended up dumped.
This is, by far, the worst situation that a guy can find himself in.
If you are absolutely sure that you have done nothing wrong, then the real reason she left may have more to do with you, personally.
If she fell out of love with you, there is not a thing you are going to be able to do to prevent the breakup from happening.
Now, to say that you did nothing wrong may be a little premature.
It would be more accurate, in most cases, to say that you did nothing wrong intentionally.
In any case, this puts you at quite a disadvantage because there is nothing that you can really fix and there is no way that you can force her to fall in love with you again.
The only choice you have is to create the right atmosphere to have her start feeling attraction towards you again.
The first thing you need to do in a situation like this is to give her lots of space.
There is nothing you are going to say or do at this point in time that is going to make the situation better anyway.
In fact, all you are likely to do is show her how desperate you really are.
Desperation is the last thing you want to be showing her at the moment.
Instead, you should be working on things that will get her interested again.
Creating attraction is a complicated thing, but you already have a head start by showing her that you are not going to cave in and beg her to come back.
Next, make it look as though you are having the time of your life without her.
Don't intentionally parade a new partner in front of her or anything like that - this is going to be too obvious.
The key here is to make it look natural.
When she sees that the breakup is having little effect on you, she may be forced to rethink her position.
As they say: absence makes the heart grow fonder.