- 1). Hold one of the two lines in each hand.
- 2). Overlap the ends of each line, with the ends of each line facing opposite directions.
- 3). Twist one of the lines along the other line in a spiraling motion. There should be five to seven spirals created.
- 4). Loop the end of the first line back, over the five spirals, and pass the end downward, in front of the first spiral.
- 5). Repeat the spiraling process with the other line. Spiral second line around the first line, in the opposite direction of the first set of five spirals.
- 6). Loop the end of the second line back under the second set of spirals, and pass the end upward in front of the first spiral in the second set.
- 7). Pull the end of each line in the opposite direction to tighten the knot. The spirals should tighten around each line and secure the two lines together.
- 8). Trim any excess on the ends of each line with scissors or a knife, snipping as close to the knot as possible.