- Newer smart phones allow you to record and watch video.Smartphone image by Dominator from Fotolia.com
The Bell System Picturephone that had its groundbreaking debut at the 1964 World's Fair was a precursor to the videophones of today. Bell had a long history of videophone development leading to that debut. "AT&T began experimenting with a video telephone as early as 1927," says PCWorld.com. Since those early days, technology has advanced to creating powerful videophones, which have revolutionized the way people all over the globe communicate. - Videophones allow users to communicate both verbally and non-verbally. Adam Blatner M.D. says that "how something is expressed may carry more significance and weight than what is said, the words themselves." Videophones allow users to incorporate nonverbal elements, such as facial expressions, eye contact and gestures, which get lost when communicating by a traditional phone. Joseph Campos, PhD, of the University of California at Berkeley, says facial expressions, along with the voice, body posture and hand gestures, can help forecast what people will do next.
Videophones also make telephone communication possible for the hearing-impaired, especially for those who use sign language or read lips.
And using a videophone gives people "face time," making the communication more personal than the traditional voice on the other end of the line. - Videophones are revolutionizing business meetings. PCWorld.com says that not only do videophones provide opportunities for distance or remote training, it's no longer necessary to fly to Hong Kong or England to see clients or business partners. Videophones put you in their board room, offices or homes. It allows you to see presentations as if you were in the room. It personalizes meetings much more than a traditional phone conversation could, putting a face to what's being said in the meeting or conversation.
Long-distance relationships also can benefit from videophones, which offer a more intimate way to communicate than traditional phones. This can be extremely helpful for couples or families trying to stay in touch when one member works overseas or is in the military. - Most mobile videophones allow users to record video and send it nearly instantaneously, making it possible to capture and share important moments. They're perfect for little-league games, parties, dance recitals or to share some unexpected event.
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