Video Transcript
Hi, I'm Skylar. If you're trying to get your e-mail on your iPhone and you get a message that it can't connect to the server even though you haven't verified your password and previously gotten your e-mail, there are a couple things you can do to check what's going on and potentially resolve the issue. First of all lets rule out something simple like you changed your password and then didn't change it on your iPhone. Well go into Settings and then go down to Mail right here, select the Account, tap on it, and then go in and change the password to whatever it should be. That's one great thing you can try right off the bat and it may solve the problem. If it doesn't lets say you're connected to Wi-Fi, turn it off for a minute. Then you'll try to connect to the server over cellular data. That may actually solve the problem you might be surprised. If it doesn't go down to General at the very bottom tap Reset and tap Reset Network Settings. This will reset all of the protocols by which your iPhone determines how it's going to connect to the DNS servers, gateways, et cetera, that has to in order to find its way to your e-mail server. Once you reset your network settings it'll forget things like Wi-Fi passwords et cetera, but it will be more likely to be able to find its way to the server and get the correct information to it so you can get your e-mail. Those things are the easiest ways to resolve this problem. It could also be that your wireless system at home or the office just has to be rebooted or power cycled. So if you've tried all these things and you're still having trouble especially on Wi-Fi go ahead and unplug your wireless router, wait a couple seconds, plug it back in. That may also solve the problem. Thanks for watching. I'm Skylar.