With every major electronic company taking a plunge into 3D TV, it is a fact that 3D TV is here to stay and in fact a technology of the future. It is evolving at a furious pace with many thinking it prudent to wait till it is perfected while some investing in 3D today. 3D content today has to be watched wearing 3D glasses though there are talks of glasses free 3D TV appearing in the market in a few years from now. 3D glasses are either active or passive though there are also polarized, shutter, and even color anaglyph glasses to confuse buyers. In this article we shall look at the differences between passive 3D glasses and active 3D glasses.
3D viewing of today is dependent upon providing two slightly different images to our two eyes which is done by special 3D glasses. It is a fact that our eyes are situated at a distance of 5 cm and thus get two different images of the same object. This input to the brain is interpreted as depth perception as in real world. Thus wearing glasses means each eye gets different image that is sent to brain and it analyzes these images and makes sense by making us see a complete picture. The difference between active and passive 3D glasses lies in the fact that active glasses are either battery operated or operated by dry powder while various methods are used with passive glasses to produce different images for each eye.
Active 3D glasses actually have small LCD screens for each eye that go black, or shutter closed, when voltage is applied to them. This shuttering effect is used to create slightly different image for the eyes thus creating 3D effect for our brain. On the other hand, passive 3D glasses rely on the older technique of filtering certain wavelengths so that each eye gets a slightly different image of the same object. Red is the color that is allowed to pass to one eye while blue and green are the wavelengths allowed into the other eye. This method to create 3D effect is considered inferior to the polarization method as there is color loss involved in the process.
However, active 3D glasses are very expensive and it is also known that wearing them for long time periods for 3D effects is also hard on the eyes of the user. This is why all new 3D TV's are being manufactured these days making use of passive 3D glasses with polarization technique. Though these glasses do not produce the high quality 3D effect as active 3D glasses, they are certainly much cheaper and do not cause any harm to the user.
Active 3D glasses make a humming sound as there are batteries inside, are heavy and expensive to say the least. A typical pair costs around $150 and can be used by the user only with the TV it came along. On the other hand, passive 3D glasses are light, do not have any batteries, and are very cheap (under $10 apiece).
3D viewing of today is dependent upon providing two slightly different images to our two eyes which is done by special 3D glasses. It is a fact that our eyes are situated at a distance of 5 cm and thus get two different images of the same object. This input to the brain is interpreted as depth perception as in real world. Thus wearing glasses means each eye gets different image that is sent to brain and it analyzes these images and makes sense by making us see a complete picture. The difference between active and passive 3D glasses lies in the fact that active glasses are either battery operated or operated by dry powder while various methods are used with passive glasses to produce different images for each eye.
Active 3D glasses actually have small LCD screens for each eye that go black, or shutter closed, when voltage is applied to them. This shuttering effect is used to create slightly different image for the eyes thus creating 3D effect for our brain. On the other hand, passive 3D glasses rely on the older technique of filtering certain wavelengths so that each eye gets a slightly different image of the same object. Red is the color that is allowed to pass to one eye while blue and green are the wavelengths allowed into the other eye. This method to create 3D effect is considered inferior to the polarization method as there is color loss involved in the process.
However, active 3D glasses are very expensive and it is also known that wearing them for long time periods for 3D effects is also hard on the eyes of the user. This is why all new 3D TV's are being manufactured these days making use of passive 3D glasses with polarization technique. Though these glasses do not produce the high quality 3D effect as active 3D glasses, they are certainly much cheaper and do not cause any harm to the user.
Active 3D glasses make a humming sound as there are batteries inside, are heavy and expensive to say the least. A typical pair costs around $150 and can be used by the user only with the TV it came along. On the other hand, passive 3D glasses are light, do not have any batteries, and are very cheap (under $10 apiece).