Guys usually day dream about this all day everyday - waltzing through a heavily crowded bar with lots of women, saying hi to almost everybody, getting free drinks and then finally approaching a hot girl and taking her home (or, girls get to approach him).
Yeah, he's pretty smooth hat way.
However, a very few guys live that dream while others think it's pretty impossible for them to get actually get lucky with a girl.
Now, before you dive into misery, here are a few tips on how to pick-up girls easily - yes, it's possible.
Yeah, he's pretty smooth hat way.
However, a very few guys live that dream while others think it's pretty impossible for them to get actually get lucky with a girl.
Now, before you dive into misery, here are a few tips on how to pick-up girls easily - yes, it's possible.
- Be nice to everybody.
Some guys would think being rude is cool and acting all haughty andarrogant can make a girl swoon - girls want a guy who can show greatconfident and self-control.
Well, you shouldn't be necessarily thelife of the party but know how to have a good time.
If you appear positive,poised and ready to mingle, the girls will get intrigued.
In the worldof picking up chicks, it is vital that you stand out from therest.
- Neverdrink binge.
Social drinking is fine and a few shots can help youloosen up and bit and be in a flirty mood, it is definitely unforgivableto approach a girl when you're dead drunk.
It will definitelyscare the girls away, top it off with your really liquor stinking breath.
If you plan to get drunk, do it some place away from the ladies.
- Let her knowyou notice her.
And make sure she sees it.
Go ahead and smileat her.
Or better yet, nod your head.
Look away just before she canmake a move but make sure to steal glances at her constantly - observeif she's doing the same.
If she does, go ahead and say hi.
Now that'swhat we call making eye contact across the room.
It's pretty excitingand you're actually initially building sexual tension right thereand then.
- Get involved.
Now this tip is a little too hard to handle.
You must have the ballsand a big confidence level to be able to work it off.
When she's talkingwith a friend, go ahead and "butt-in" with grace.
That means, you'regetting yourself involved with their conversation, thus, making it outrightly obvious that you want to get to know her (or them).
No pickup lines please or smooth talking tricks.
Make sure that the girls arein a friendly sociable mood so as not to make you get a slap or two.
- Go over,say hi and get it over with.
Now's the time for you to show yourflirting skills! Go over to that pretty girl, ask her a question andkeep her in animated conversation.
Let's hope it's attraction atfirst sight so you won't be doing a lot of work.
Be observant.
Spotgirls who may be checking you out as well and don't hesitate to approachher.