Contrary to popular belief, complimenting women still works.
If you want to make part of your "attraction arsenal" you have to learn how to do it right.
The truth is complimenting a woman is really powerful because it encourages her to be nice to you.
She will feel appreciated and this makes it more likely for her to go on a date with you.
Without the knowledge of how to do this a conversation may quickly dry up.
A woman may also think you have no romantic interest in her and put you in the friend zone.
Here is how it works.
First of all let's define what we're talking about.
Complimenting women is expressing a specific thing about her that you find attractive.
That's it.
The sole purpose is to let her feel good about the fact that you are attracted to her.
This brings us to the first point.
Don't push it! A compliment is not meant to make her do anything.
The reason why most guys fail with this is that they expect some sort of reaction or reward.
That destroys the whole idea.
When a woman knows your compliment is genuine she relaxes.
Who doesn't want to be liked? She has probably put in a lot of effort into looking great.
Having a confident man show her appreciation makes her feel special.
Focus on "peculiarities" Everyone has something peculiar about themselves.
When you notice something about her and you tell her it shows you are paying attention.
It makes you stand out from the other guys who only notice her body.
Now, there are times when you will want to tell something nice about her physical appearance.
This is a slightly advanced tactic but you can start using it right away, if you feel confident enough.
The trick is to make it specific.
For example: "Your lips are making my mind go blank" rather than "You are beautiful" Know when to shut it Another mistake guys make is to talk too much.
This can completely destroy the interaction.
There are also times when you must...
take action.
For instance, if you gave a woman the compliment about her lips and she smiles, it may be a sign that she wants you to kiss her.
You have to learn how to walk the talk.
There is something that makes compliments even more powerful.
A man who has sexual charisma instantly makes any word he says way more effective.
If you want to make part of your "attraction arsenal" you have to learn how to do it right.
The truth is complimenting a woman is really powerful because it encourages her to be nice to you.
She will feel appreciated and this makes it more likely for her to go on a date with you.
Without the knowledge of how to do this a conversation may quickly dry up.
A woman may also think you have no romantic interest in her and put you in the friend zone.
Here is how it works.
First of all let's define what we're talking about.
Complimenting women is expressing a specific thing about her that you find attractive.
That's it.
The sole purpose is to let her feel good about the fact that you are attracted to her.
This brings us to the first point.
Don't push it! A compliment is not meant to make her do anything.
The reason why most guys fail with this is that they expect some sort of reaction or reward.
That destroys the whole idea.
When a woman knows your compliment is genuine she relaxes.
Who doesn't want to be liked? She has probably put in a lot of effort into looking great.
Having a confident man show her appreciation makes her feel special.
Focus on "peculiarities" Everyone has something peculiar about themselves.
When you notice something about her and you tell her it shows you are paying attention.
It makes you stand out from the other guys who only notice her body.
Now, there are times when you will want to tell something nice about her physical appearance.
This is a slightly advanced tactic but you can start using it right away, if you feel confident enough.
The trick is to make it specific.
For example: "Your lips are making my mind go blank" rather than "You are beautiful" Know when to shut it Another mistake guys make is to talk too much.
This can completely destroy the interaction.
There are also times when you must...
take action.
For instance, if you gave a woman the compliment about her lips and she smiles, it may be a sign that she wants you to kiss her.
You have to learn how to walk the talk.
There is something that makes compliments even more powerful.
A man who has sexual charisma instantly makes any word he says way more effective.