- 1). Set the bottom portion of the escutcheon plate over the holes in the sink. Place the escutcheon on top.
- 2). Slide the faucet through the hole in the middle of the escutcheon, keeping the hoses untangled.
- 3). Place the cap onto the bolt hanging from the bottom of the faucet and tighten it using the nut included in the kit. Tighten the nut down with a socket wrench.
- 4). Attach the flexible tubing from the faucet to the hot and cold line. The left tube should go to the hot, and the right should go to the cold. Tighten the flexible tubing to the supply lines using a wrench.
- 5). Slide the hose for the faucet head through the front of the faucet until it goes under the sink. Attach the end under the sink to the last piece of tubing coming down from the faucet. Press on the retaining nut and push the hose end into it. Let go of the retaining nut to lock it in place.
- 6). Attach the weight included in the kit to the spray hose underneath the sink. This prevents tangling.
- 7). Attach the end to the spray hose included in your kit. Turn on the hot and cold water supply and lift the faucet handle. Run water through the unit for 15 seconds.
- 8). Place a washer into the end on the spray hose and screw on the faucet head. Tighten the nut down with a wrench.