- 1). Measure the area of the house to get the total square footage. Run a tape measure across the first side of the house. Record the measurement for both the length and the height. Multiply the two figures to get the square footage of the first side.
- 2). Run a tape measure across the length and height of all the other sides. Multiply the length by the height of each side and record the numbers. Add up the measurements of every side to get the total square footage of the house. Divide that number by 32, which is the square footage of a 4-by-8 sheet of T1-11 siding, to figure the number of sheets of T1-11 for your project.
- 3). Wipe down the exterior walls of the house with water and a clean rag. Remove any dirt and debris. Scrub thoroughly to completely clean the walls.
- 4). Line up the first piece of T1-11 vertically at any corner of the house. Nail it in place with a hammer and 2-inch galvanized nails. Spread out the nails every 6 inches throughout the board.
- 5). Line up the second piece right next to the first. Install it in the same manner. Move down the first side of the house. Measure and mark the last piece for the first side. Cut it to fit with a circular saw.
- 6). Move around the house, installing the T1-11 just like on the first side.