Many times I was asked from people about "no contact" and how to use it and benefit from it when separated from their ex love.
People get confused and overly concerned about no contact because the need to contact with an ex lover is preeminent in their mind.
However, rest assured that no contact does work if it is used properly with plans in place.
NC (no contact) allows each party to have space, and little bit of breathing room so to speak.
When we are at the of ending relationship, especially if there were many fight or exchanged hurtful comments, it causes a lot of resent toward our ex.
People usually say things that will hurt the most not because they want to hurt their ex, but it comes from self defense mechanism.
It is normal behavior when we are hurt, we lash out to anyone nearby especially the person who hurt us most, namely our ex.
However, our mind works strangely because when enough time has passed, the hurts start fade and it leaves one to puzzle over why or how they could have hurt the person they loved.
This is why the no contactis necessary and needed if you are really serious about getting back with your love.
Also, no contact uses psychological behavior of human, which makes them think of you more in favorable ways if used properly.
In order to use properly, you need a plan you can stick with.
How long should the no contact should last? It depends on the individual situation, but initially it should be between 3-4 weeks for the no contact to work.
During this time, you have to concentrate on yourself, forget your ex for time being.
It won't be easy because every little thing might remind you of the time you spend with ex and the happy moments.
You need to establish your daily routine, eat well and do not dwell on the past but just focus getting past one day at a time.
If you need help with plan, visit this page for more information on how you can get your ex back and keep them.
People get confused and overly concerned about no contact because the need to contact with an ex lover is preeminent in their mind.
However, rest assured that no contact does work if it is used properly with plans in place.
NC (no contact) allows each party to have space, and little bit of breathing room so to speak.
When we are at the of ending relationship, especially if there were many fight or exchanged hurtful comments, it causes a lot of resent toward our ex.
People usually say things that will hurt the most not because they want to hurt their ex, but it comes from self defense mechanism.
It is normal behavior when we are hurt, we lash out to anyone nearby especially the person who hurt us most, namely our ex.
However, our mind works strangely because when enough time has passed, the hurts start fade and it leaves one to puzzle over why or how they could have hurt the person they loved.
This is why the no contactis necessary and needed if you are really serious about getting back with your love.
Also, no contact uses psychological behavior of human, which makes them think of you more in favorable ways if used properly.
In order to use properly, you need a plan you can stick with.
How long should the no contact should last? It depends on the individual situation, but initially it should be between 3-4 weeks for the no contact to work.
During this time, you have to concentrate on yourself, forget your ex for time being.
It won't be easy because every little thing might remind you of the time you spend with ex and the happy moments.
You need to establish your daily routine, eat well and do not dwell on the past but just focus getting past one day at a time.
If you need help with plan, visit this page for more information on how you can get your ex back and keep them.