Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Self Empowerment - Discover How Pivoting Your Thoughts Can Increase Your Personal Empowerment

Becoming an empowered woman is not that difficult when you use strategies such as pivoting to change the direction of your thoughts to prevent a downward spiral.
Once you get into the habit of stopping your negative thinking right in its track you will increase your sense of control over your daily life.
Every day, women are faced with a multitude of decisions and tasks to take care of.
At times it can feel overwhelming and discouraging and that is when the negative thoughts can start to creep in.
When one negative thought slides in to your consciousness, it becomes easier for more to follow.
Let me illustrate the point with a personal story.
This past winter I experienced a series of small events on the same morning that could of put me into a downward spiral if I had left my mind have a party at my expense.
On that cold morning, when I turned on my computer and started checking the daily messages, I received one indicating that the site I was sending women to view a video, had in fact no video.
I thought that was rather odd so I proceeded to check the hosting site where I discovered that not only was the video not to be found, but that furthermore, my entire account was no longer valid, all the 55 videos were gone and all of my hard work had vanished.
A short time later, my adorable 20 year old son got up and proceeded to first cook breakfast for himself and then off to work he went.
When I made my way back to the kitchen, I discovered he had left much of his stuff lying around: dishes, newspaper, sports gear and so on.
Don't get me wrong I adore my son and I would venture to say that he is more responsible and mature than your average 30 year old.
Yet that particular morning, I thought: Am I letting too many things go by? Now you can see my thought pattern already having the potential to spiral downward.
More time elapsed and the mailman came to the door.
I was quick to check the days content as I was expecting a check for tens of hundreds of dollars.
Actually the money, should of been in earlier in the week, and I was needing it to give the go ahead on another project.
At that moment, I was thinking I could actually let myself have a pity party with one negative thought leading to another negative thought.
Luckily, I remembered a strategy taught by Jerry and Esther Hicks in their book: Money and the Law of Attraction.
It was time to put it into practice.
I put on my winter coat and boots and out I went for a brisk walk, while choosing my thoughts consciously.
The following thoughts flowed through my mind, as I kept reaching for a better feeling thought, in order to feel some relief from the negativity.
I love the thought that I will learn something new about uploading videos.
I love the thought that there are experts who can answer my technical questions.
I love the thought that my son is very responsible and cleans up after himself nine times out of ten.
I love the thought that the mailman comes every day and I will have that check in my possession very soon.
I love the thought that I got some much needed exercise.
Each thought I chose led me to a better feeling one.
And before long, I had walked for forty minutes, felt invigorated, but more importantly had a sense of control.
I was now able to sit at my desk get focused, and back to the tasks at hand.
I felt calmer, and ready for a productive day.
Ladies, next time you are feeling overwhelmed and out of sorts, try pivoting your thoughts.
Choose to focus on a better feeling thought.
Then reach for another better feeling thought.
Do that over and over again.
Before long you will be feeling some relief and you will be in a position to let things unfold as they will, confident in the process.
I recommend you use this strategy when you are looking for an effective way to respond rather than simply reacting to the situations that arise.
You will certainly feel more empowered.
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