Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Persist Yet Again

Not long ago I had a conversation with a struggling business owner who wanted to increase revenues.
He tried becoming a salesperson and made some cold calls but had a terrible time.
"I called on a few prospects and got rebuffed each time.
I guess I'm not cut out to be a salesperson.
"I had a hard time stifling my urge to grab that person, shake him and shout, "No one can become a salesperson if they just try a few times.
"I did manage to stifle my uncivilized approach and calm down, then explained that it is persistence rather than instant success that will move the business forward.
It would be nice if success happened by a strike of lightening, a snap of the fingers, or just wishing for it.
Sudden success does indeed happen, but it is a very rare occurrence like the fabled actress who was "discovered" while sitting at a Hollywood lunch counter.
Instant success is more like the story of the actor who got a leading role on a TV show and became household word.
He was quoted as saying that he spent twenty years preparing to become an instant success.
Most of the time actors, inventors, athletes, salespeople, and businesspeople who want to achieve success work at it over and over before they are successful.
Thomas Edison changed the world by creating the workable electric light bulb after thousands of failures and then had to create the electrical generating and transmission infrastructure that made it possible to electrify our planet before achieving success.
Edison understood that inventing is neither a fast process nor an easy one.
His persistence truly changed the world.
An oft told sales cliché states that 80% of industrial sales will close after the sixth sales call, another states that it takes six or more visual impressions before a newspaper reader will recall seeing a printed advertisement.
Persist! Gumption, persistence, and continual effort will win business over mercurial "try it a few times" and expect success or quit.
Please persist and light up the world and your business...
like Edison.
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