Have you had the awful experience of dating a terrific guy only to be "dumped" after a while? Many women have had this type of frustrating experience and are devastated because of it.
There are many reasons as to why men lose interest in women after a while and not surprisingly the women are mostly to blame! If you want to avoid making these dreadful mistakes, read this! Not attractive for him Though this sounds cruel - it is a fact that if you don't attract the guy physically he will soon lose interest.
Physical attraction is a must and you have to make sure that you do all you can to look gorgeous, attractive and sexy! Holding his attention when you are beautiful inside out is pretty easy.
Work on your looks, attitude and behavior.
Too much talk! Most women lose their men because of their "know it all" attitude.
They do not know when to zip their lips and shut up! If a man can't get in a word edgewise - he will lose interest.
Most men can't stand being in the company of a woman who won't shut up.
Be wise and let him do some talking for a change.
Stop being uptight The best ways to hold a man's attention and keep his interest is to learn how to take a joke! Lighten up and stop being too uptight.
Getting angry and critical will sour things between you and you will come across as unattractive and too serious.
Men love it when a woman can share a joke - even if she is the butt of it - and laugh about it instead of being intimidated and angry about it.
Too boring! The moment the relationship gets boring and predictable - you are in danger of losing his interest.
How in the world are you going to catch his interest if you don't have anything to say to him, share with him or respond to him? He will consider the dates with you as torture and will try to end the relationship as quickly as possible.
Too much baggage If you are a woman who has been a victim of a bad relationship and is carrying too much "baggage" from the past, it is unfortunately going to affect future relationships, unless dealt with.
The new guy is bound to resent it if you allow your negative experiences affect the present relations with him.
He is bound to lose interest sooner or later.
If the sex is awful This is one of the most common reasons as to why a man may lose interest in a woman.
If you are not a good sex partner he is likely to lose interest in you.
Learn to satisfy your man and he will stay interested.
Too competitive Don't be incompatible and constantly try to prove something to him.
Be mature and stop competing! This type of behavior will put a strain on your relationship and he will start to resent you.
There are many reasons as to why men lose interest in women after a while and not surprisingly the women are mostly to blame! If you want to avoid making these dreadful mistakes, read this! Not attractive for him Though this sounds cruel - it is a fact that if you don't attract the guy physically he will soon lose interest.
Physical attraction is a must and you have to make sure that you do all you can to look gorgeous, attractive and sexy! Holding his attention when you are beautiful inside out is pretty easy.
Work on your looks, attitude and behavior.
Too much talk! Most women lose their men because of their "know it all" attitude.
They do not know when to zip their lips and shut up! If a man can't get in a word edgewise - he will lose interest.
Most men can't stand being in the company of a woman who won't shut up.
Be wise and let him do some talking for a change.
Stop being uptight The best ways to hold a man's attention and keep his interest is to learn how to take a joke! Lighten up and stop being too uptight.
Getting angry and critical will sour things between you and you will come across as unattractive and too serious.
Men love it when a woman can share a joke - even if she is the butt of it - and laugh about it instead of being intimidated and angry about it.
Too boring! The moment the relationship gets boring and predictable - you are in danger of losing his interest.
How in the world are you going to catch his interest if you don't have anything to say to him, share with him or respond to him? He will consider the dates with you as torture and will try to end the relationship as quickly as possible.
Too much baggage If you are a woman who has been a victim of a bad relationship and is carrying too much "baggage" from the past, it is unfortunately going to affect future relationships, unless dealt with.
The new guy is bound to resent it if you allow your negative experiences affect the present relations with him.
He is bound to lose interest sooner or later.
If the sex is awful This is one of the most common reasons as to why a man may lose interest in a woman.
If you are not a good sex partner he is likely to lose interest in you.
Learn to satisfy your man and he will stay interested.
Too competitive Don't be incompatible and constantly try to prove something to him.
Be mature and stop competing! This type of behavior will put a strain on your relationship and he will start to resent you.