What suggestions could be offered to all those who attend more or less closely with the idea, or hope that they are in a permanent and happy relationship?
The first advice is with no doubt to make the deep acquaintance of the other an important goal and priority from which ultimately depends the good performance of the couple's relationship, which is actually measured by a particular indicator: two people with the burning dream to live together. Yes, that's right, you want to spend time with each other to communicate, play, love, fun, grow, but also to deal with the problems of everyday life, it becomes a time of life that is the measure of an indirect relationship pair managed and performing well, in which both partners can claim that they are truly happy.
Apart from the above general counsel, one that is very attentive and motivated to live a, balanced and harmonious couple lile might suggest to deepen their knowledge of making use of some simple tools of interpersonal communication and emotional intelligence, first "field experience". What is intra-psychic entity, which is a mental construct, which can simply be defined as our "mental map" and the concept of a mind map is, to some extent, similar to that of "mindset". The "field experience" is a kind of double filter that everyone has, through which pass information (input) and output information (output) that everyone interacts with the external environment. As the input filter "field experience" acts as an interpreter and translator of various kinds of stimuli from the environment (self-perception), and this allows the person to understand and, give meaning to everything that happens around him /her through a process of decoding the information available from many ways and channels (visual, auditory, kinesthetic), which is never random, because filtered through the personal "field experience". But, as already said, the "field experience", also operates in the opposite direction as the output filter, and this allows the communicator to adapt his behavior to the situation and then to show, from time to time, a behavior that will be emotionally intelligent and / or socially proper to the context, thanks for the information contained in their "mental map". So it is natural to ask: if everyone has their own "field experience", the information contained in it, is similar or differ in the partners that make up a pair? We can immediately state that they are similar to the "categories" of information, but these usually differ from each other, even if somehow they are the same. An example is the "values". The class of "values" includes those ethical principles, moral and ethics that guide personal behavior. So if we can say that everyone has a scale of values, not necessarily Mario's ones coincides Francesca's. Mario, in fact, could put at the top of their scale, the value of "honesty" after, say, in order of decreasing importance to other values such as loyalty, family, freedom, loyalty, etc...
In addition to the values, the other categories of information in their "field of experience" are those on personal beliefs, environment, education, culture, lifestyle, fears and prejudices from which you suffer, the guidelines (political, religious, sexual, etc..) norms and rules of conduct, character, mental attitude (optimistic, pessimistic), the cognitive structure (rigid, flexible), ability to manage emotions. The structure of the field experience is also defined by the following four fundamental coördinates; we might consider authentic cardinal points: interest - motivations-goals - benefits.
Again, these are "classes" of information that are of crucial importance to know the other is able to understand and predict our behavior in some way. Obviously everyone has their own interests, their goals supported by personal motives, leaving to assume that everyone looks for certain benefits or benefits with others.
Finally we consider, then, the "field experience" the "engine" of behavior, and inexhaustible source of important information to better understand themselves and others. So it is, at the same time, a powerful tool for self-analysis and a means for understanding the behavior of those around us in the face.
For this reason, all the efforts made to know more about themselves and others will give great benefits, as in trying to understand more deeply the partners, we may find areas of emotional affinity or convergence can also strengthen the pair bond. Conversely, if the "field experience" of the land is for us absolutely unexplored or little known, it is clear that you can run the risk of being live and speak (not to communicate) with a total stranger. And only a patient and tireless perseverance and curiosity in wanting to discover and analyze the other's "field of experience" can really light on the subject, to protect themselves from unpleasant surprises.
And here, needless to say, the ability to ask questions and above all to listen with empathy, art that is very valuable in the difficult journey undertaken for the knowledge of your partner.
The first advice is with no doubt to make the deep acquaintance of the other an important goal and priority from which ultimately depends the good performance of the couple's relationship, which is actually measured by a particular indicator: two people with the burning dream to live together. Yes, that's right, you want to spend time with each other to communicate, play, love, fun, grow, but also to deal with the problems of everyday life, it becomes a time of life that is the measure of an indirect relationship pair managed and performing well, in which both partners can claim that they are truly happy.
Apart from the above general counsel, one that is very attentive and motivated to live a, balanced and harmonious couple lile might suggest to deepen their knowledge of making use of some simple tools of interpersonal communication and emotional intelligence, first "field experience". What is intra-psychic entity, which is a mental construct, which can simply be defined as our "mental map" and the concept of a mind map is, to some extent, similar to that of "mindset". The "field experience" is a kind of double filter that everyone has, through which pass information (input) and output information (output) that everyone interacts with the external environment. As the input filter "field experience" acts as an interpreter and translator of various kinds of stimuli from the environment (self-perception), and this allows the person to understand and, give meaning to everything that happens around him /her through a process of decoding the information available from many ways and channels (visual, auditory, kinesthetic), which is never random, because filtered through the personal "field experience". But, as already said, the "field experience", also operates in the opposite direction as the output filter, and this allows the communicator to adapt his behavior to the situation and then to show, from time to time, a behavior that will be emotionally intelligent and / or socially proper to the context, thanks for the information contained in their "mental map". So it is natural to ask: if everyone has their own "field experience", the information contained in it, is similar or differ in the partners that make up a pair? We can immediately state that they are similar to the "categories" of information, but these usually differ from each other, even if somehow they are the same. An example is the "values". The class of "values" includes those ethical principles, moral and ethics that guide personal behavior. So if we can say that everyone has a scale of values, not necessarily Mario's ones coincides Francesca's. Mario, in fact, could put at the top of their scale, the value of "honesty" after, say, in order of decreasing importance to other values such as loyalty, family, freedom, loyalty, etc...
In addition to the values, the other categories of information in their "field of experience" are those on personal beliefs, environment, education, culture, lifestyle, fears and prejudices from which you suffer, the guidelines (political, religious, sexual, etc..) norms and rules of conduct, character, mental attitude (optimistic, pessimistic), the cognitive structure (rigid, flexible), ability to manage emotions. The structure of the field experience is also defined by the following four fundamental coördinates; we might consider authentic cardinal points: interest - motivations-goals - benefits.
Again, these are "classes" of information that are of crucial importance to know the other is able to understand and predict our behavior in some way. Obviously everyone has their own interests, their goals supported by personal motives, leaving to assume that everyone looks for certain benefits or benefits with others.
Finally we consider, then, the "field experience" the "engine" of behavior, and inexhaustible source of important information to better understand themselves and others. So it is, at the same time, a powerful tool for self-analysis and a means for understanding the behavior of those around us in the face.
For this reason, all the efforts made to know more about themselves and others will give great benefits, as in trying to understand more deeply the partners, we may find areas of emotional affinity or convergence can also strengthen the pair bond. Conversely, if the "field experience" of the land is for us absolutely unexplored or little known, it is clear that you can run the risk of being live and speak (not to communicate) with a total stranger. And only a patient and tireless perseverance and curiosity in wanting to discover and analyze the other's "field of experience" can really light on the subject, to protect themselves from unpleasant surprises.
And here, needless to say, the ability to ask questions and above all to listen with empathy, art that is very valuable in the difficult journey undertaken for the knowledge of your partner.