Health & Medical Self-Improvement

How to Stop Rumors

All of us are card-carrying members of one of two organizations - either the Building Crew or the Wrecking Crew.
When we either start a negative rumor, or pass one along, we're definitely part of the Wrecking Crew.
We're tearing down.
Unfortunately, too many people thrive on gossip.
They can hardly wait to hear the next juicy rumor.
Then they're eager to pass it along to someone else.
Instead of working on improving themselves, they get a sense of joy at the pitfalls of others.
Negative rumors are like a deadly disease.
They can permanently wound a person's precious pride.
They can kill relationships.
They can diminish the victim's enthusiasm.
Within an organization or a company, they can demoralize and be self-defeating.
If you're part of the Wrecking Crew, you're diminishing your own value by spreading rumors.
Whether they're true or not, you're focusing on negative thoughts.
Whatever you focus on, expands.
And then you wonder why good things don't happen in your life.
If you've been guilty this year of spreading negative rumors, about anyone or anything, why not resign from the Wrecking Crew.
Join the Building Crew.
When someone brings a negative rumor to you, don't listen.
If someone says, "Did you hear that John made a big mistake in the shipping department?" Respond by saying, "You know, I heard John has been doing a terrific job.
" By not paying attention to the negative rumor, you're taking a stand and saying, "I'm not participating!" This is especially important in a family atmosphere.
Look for the good and spread good rumors about people.
Join the Building Crew! Pretend as if you had grease on your shoulders.
When you hear a negative rumor, pretend as if it slipped right past your shoulders and did not go into your ears.
It's called "selective hearing".
Just because someone says something, it doesn't mean that you have to take it into your brain.
Choose to only take in positive, uplifting thoughts about others and greater success will come your way.
We truly have choices about our thoughts.
In fact, the only thing you have total control over is your brain.
Guard what enters!
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