Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Find Your Phoenix

Our lives are full of experiences that contribute to the way we feel about ourselves, and the quality of that self-esteem can have a great effect on the way we live.
Accidents, illness, bereavements, relationship break-ups, etc.
can all take their toll, leaving us drained of energy, out of balance, and even feeling like a part of us is missing somewhere.
All these things can impact on us in various ways, as we all have different strengths and weaknesses.
As an emotional excess, such as anger or fear; a mental condition such as stress, anxiety or panic attacks, or as a physical illness.
Unfortunately, we are not all taught as children how to cope with life when it becomes difficult.
Learning how to pass exams so we can "get on" doesn't cut it when someone close to us dies, or our marriage ends, and if we fail those exams in the first place, we are made to feel a failure by the educational system even before we've left school.
Religions would have us believe that we can find "The Way", but only if we follow their own particular set of rules.
Then we have to tell everybody else that hell is stoking it's fires up for them because they're not in our club.
It's hardly surprising they upset a few people along the way, a recipe for uniting people it isn't.
We can always turn to consumerism for our wellbeing, buying a bigger house, a faster car, and lots of designer wear to make us feel good about ourselves, buy now and pay for the rest of your life.
We are encouraged to be in debt, whether it be to a university, someone who "died for us", or a multi-national company, and our personal freedom is being eroded away right across the board ( or across the boardroom ) where our self-esteem is continuously being linked to something or someone outside ourselves.
It seems that the only thing we are being sold is down the river.
We are living in a left-brained logical society which is saturating us with images of a three dimensional world that is accessed only by the five senses, and we have become so busy looking for fulfilment from this outerworld that we have been turned into Human Doings, not Human Beings, and our ability to access anything other than what we register with our five senses has been greatly diminished.
A great deal has been written about the "secrets" that are said to be held by certain societies, whether it be the blood-line of Jesus or the treasure of the Templars, with the implication that we are all being kept in the dark whilst only the "chosen few" know the truth.
These things may be true, but the real truth, which has been and still is being kept from us is that we are six-sensory, multi-dimensional spiritual beings who have unlimited potential once we discover and awaken our true spiritual essence, that innermost part of ourselves which allows us to take full responsibility for our own lives and be what we were meant to be.
This essence isn't found outside ourselves, amongst the things mentioned above.
It is found by looking deep within and shows itself through our intuitive nature, that sixth-sense we pass off as non-sense.
Awakening our spiritual selves isn't about going to church, following rules and regulations and dogmas, or even just by "being good", it's about choosing to use and integrate our intuition ( that gut feeling we so often ignore and wish we hadn't ) into every part of our daily existence using discrimination, judgement, integrity and perseverance.
Looking within will also lead us to see those aspects of our self that we try to hide away, even from ourselves.
These are our dark shadow which likes to rise up occasional to bite us.
We need to face up to them as they arise and fear them no longer, for our weaknesses can be transformed into strengths.
The alchemists of old were reputed to be able to turn base metals into gold, but this was just symbolism used by the "secrecy brigade", a truth being hidden within an untruth.
The base metals signify our dark natures, whilst the gold is our true spiritual selves that can rise like a phoenix from the ashes of our transmuted shadow.
We cannot cut corners when living a spiritual life, neither guru or priest or workshop will transform us, the work is ours alone each and every day we are alive.
Take up the challenge and live your destiny.
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