Look, we know that you want to know how to attract beautiful women [http://attractexbackfast.com/231/how-to-attract-beautiful-women-common-creepy-behavior-to-avoid-2/], and most dating coaches that teach guys how to pick up beautiful women really emphasize eye contact. And we can't lie to you; it is an important component of good conversations, and it really can create attraction when it is done correctly.
At the same time, too much eye contact can come across as really creepy.
For example, girls usually spend plenty of time hanging out in clubs and having a great time. And there are never any problems when it comes to attracting guys. The opposite was true: We usually had to get the guys to back off a bit and leave us in peace.
But, sometimes a certain guy can catch a girls eye and she'd exit the dance floor to see if there might be something more there. Sometimes there is, but sometimes the guy can end up being one of those creepy starers that my girls, subscribers, clients, colleagues have all had the chance to deal with over the years. We all agree that this is a huge turn off and will scare away just about any woman.
We are here to help you learn how to attract beautiful women, so we won't steer you wrong. You can trust us when we tell you too much eye contact is a bad thing. Now, don't get us wrong - eye contact is good and necessary. It shows that you are self-confident and that you are interested in the girl and the conversation. But, there is a difference between normal, good eye contact and having your eyes pinned on a girl without ever looking away. This turns into creepy staring and is definitely not how to pick up beautiful women.
Regardless of how well dressed, articulate or interesting you might be, you are going to blow your chance if you make it obvious that you are trying way too hard to convey interest and act like you are a good listener by staring bug-eyed or without blinking at the girl. She will pick up on the fact that you are putting on a show and not being authentic. She will also probably think you are trying to compensate for something. And - worst of all - she might even get the impression that you are the type of creepy guy who just might hack her into little pieces and bury her in the basement.
Seriously, creepy staring is really that bad.
When it comes to how to attract beautiful women, you really need to keep the staring in check. Here is a simple, basic rule you should always keep in mind: Eye contact is good, but staring without blinking or ever looking away is incredibly creepy. To help you work this out, you might want to practice appropriate eye contact.
During conversations, work on holding eye contact for around eight out of every 10 seconds. You don't want it to be less than five out of 10 seconds, or she will think you are rude or uninterested. You also don't want it to be 10 out of 10 seconds, or we will be back in that creepy territory.
If you truly want to master how to pick up beautiful women, you must work on maintaining appropriate eye contact. Just about every report or book you will read on how to attract beautiful women does cover eye contact, but they rarely emphasize the importance of not overdoing it.
At the same time, too much eye contact can come across as really creepy.
For example, girls usually spend plenty of time hanging out in clubs and having a great time. And there are never any problems when it comes to attracting guys. The opposite was true: We usually had to get the guys to back off a bit and leave us in peace.
But, sometimes a certain guy can catch a girls eye and she'd exit the dance floor to see if there might be something more there. Sometimes there is, but sometimes the guy can end up being one of those creepy starers that my girls, subscribers, clients, colleagues have all had the chance to deal with over the years. We all agree that this is a huge turn off and will scare away just about any woman.
We are here to help you learn how to attract beautiful women, so we won't steer you wrong. You can trust us when we tell you too much eye contact is a bad thing. Now, don't get us wrong - eye contact is good and necessary. It shows that you are self-confident and that you are interested in the girl and the conversation. But, there is a difference between normal, good eye contact and having your eyes pinned on a girl without ever looking away. This turns into creepy staring and is definitely not how to pick up beautiful women.
Regardless of how well dressed, articulate or interesting you might be, you are going to blow your chance if you make it obvious that you are trying way too hard to convey interest and act like you are a good listener by staring bug-eyed or without blinking at the girl. She will pick up on the fact that you are putting on a show and not being authentic. She will also probably think you are trying to compensate for something. And - worst of all - she might even get the impression that you are the type of creepy guy who just might hack her into little pieces and bury her in the basement.
Seriously, creepy staring is really that bad.
When it comes to how to attract beautiful women, you really need to keep the staring in check. Here is a simple, basic rule you should always keep in mind: Eye contact is good, but staring without blinking or ever looking away is incredibly creepy. To help you work this out, you might want to practice appropriate eye contact.
During conversations, work on holding eye contact for around eight out of every 10 seconds. You don't want it to be less than five out of 10 seconds, or she will think you are rude or uninterested. You also don't want it to be 10 out of 10 seconds, or we will be back in that creepy territory.
If you truly want to master how to pick up beautiful women, you must work on maintaining appropriate eye contact. Just about every report or book you will read on how to attract beautiful women does cover eye contact, but they rarely emphasize the importance of not overdoing it.