No matter what armchair feminists say making your boyfriend feel special is one way of strengthening the relationship.
Men like it when you give them that special treatment and put them on a pedestal.
However, this should not be done at the cost of your self esteem.
Here are some ways you can make him feel special.
Profess your love Although you love him and he knows it, it is still a good idea to let him know that you love him.
Call him at work or wherever and tell him you love him and miss him.
His face will light up and he will feel good.
How to make my boyfriend feel special Do not let the business of living affect your enthusiasm for fun.
Surprise him with your ideas and make life a little more exciting.
Planning surprise picnics or dropping in at his work with something he loves will keep the relationship alive and kicking.
Appreciate that he wears the pants Let your boyfriend feel like the man in the relationship.
Respect his views in public and let him know that you value him as your protector.
However, you should take care that you don't become a high maintenance girlfriend.
Pick up the tab as and when you can.
This way he will value you more and will feel privileged to have you as his girlfriend.
Preempt his lows There will be times when he will go through a rough patch like a job loss or financial insecurity.
When you see such things coming assure him that you are by his side and "this too shall pass".
Cheer him up when he is feeling down and out.
Satisfy him sexually Even after considerable time if the two of you are having great sex then he has no reason to complain.
Make sure the action in the bedroom never gets dull and there is no monotony in your sex life.
Thoughtful gifts Surprise him with small thoughtful gifts.
You don't have to wait for his birthday or some special occasion to buy him gifts.
A nice tie or a nice leather wallet will do the trick.
It just goes to show that you remembered him while you were shopping for your stuff.
Give him a guilt free break Once in while ask him to go out with his friends and have a ball, tell him you want him to do that as it will make you happy.
When you don't restrict his activities he will feel special as he will know you trust him fully.
Men like it when you give them that special treatment and put them on a pedestal.
However, this should not be done at the cost of your self esteem.
Here are some ways you can make him feel special.
Profess your love Although you love him and he knows it, it is still a good idea to let him know that you love him.
Call him at work or wherever and tell him you love him and miss him.
His face will light up and he will feel good.
How to make my boyfriend feel special Do not let the business of living affect your enthusiasm for fun.
Surprise him with your ideas and make life a little more exciting.
Planning surprise picnics or dropping in at his work with something he loves will keep the relationship alive and kicking.
Appreciate that he wears the pants Let your boyfriend feel like the man in the relationship.
Respect his views in public and let him know that you value him as your protector.
However, you should take care that you don't become a high maintenance girlfriend.
Pick up the tab as and when you can.
This way he will value you more and will feel privileged to have you as his girlfriend.
Preempt his lows There will be times when he will go through a rough patch like a job loss or financial insecurity.
When you see such things coming assure him that you are by his side and "this too shall pass".
Cheer him up when he is feeling down and out.
Satisfy him sexually Even after considerable time if the two of you are having great sex then he has no reason to complain.
Make sure the action in the bedroom never gets dull and there is no monotony in your sex life.
Thoughtful gifts Surprise him with small thoughtful gifts.
You don't have to wait for his birthday or some special occasion to buy him gifts.
A nice tie or a nice leather wallet will do the trick.
It just goes to show that you remembered him while you were shopping for your stuff.
Give him a guilt free break Once in while ask him to go out with his friends and have a ball, tell him you want him to do that as it will make you happy.
When you don't restrict his activities he will feel special as he will know you trust him fully.