There is no question that if you are reading this you must at this point be feeling down.
This is understandable.
In my case I was with my ex for four years when we broke up and everyday something would occur that reminded me of her.
When a break up happens it's almost like something dies inside of you, this is especially so if you spent a lot of time together.
The first key to getting your ex back is to be open and honest.
If you have done something wrong you need to face up to it.
If they have done something wrong and you are hurt you need to find out why.
If they have not been loyal then you must ask was there something you did that brought this on.
Don't get me wrong not all relationships can be put back on track and there is no doubt that if you are hurt right now your ability to think clearly is going to be a challenge.
That is why if you have mutual friends it would be wise to speak with them.
This way you can discuss the issues a little more objectively.
They may be able to tell you why your partner is behaving the way they are behaving.
Additionally you can talk out your position with them and see if they have any ideas on how to best resolve it.
Once you get this information, asses it and move to the next step.
Open up communication with your partner.
Do this with a simple e-mail, letter or call.
All you want to do is talk with them, so set up a meeting for that purpose.
When you get together be attentive and listen.
Start slowly and work your way into the issue.
Start with some pleasant memories.
Let them work into it and do not force the issue.
The objective for this meeting is to gather information and not state your case, make.
Leave on a good note and arrange for another chat From there it is time to asses the situation and figure out how you can best make the relationship work again.
More than likely there will need to be some compromises, relationships are not a one way street and it will need some give and take on both sides.
Make sure you know what you can do that way you can clear and determined.
On the next meeting you will recount what your ex said and start to share compromises and solutions and once again listen carefully.
By being level headed and patient you will reflect a maturity and a desire to make things right.
This will show that you care and want to make things right and move the relationship back on track.
This is understandable.
In my case I was with my ex for four years when we broke up and everyday something would occur that reminded me of her.
When a break up happens it's almost like something dies inside of you, this is especially so if you spent a lot of time together.
The first key to getting your ex back is to be open and honest.
If you have done something wrong you need to face up to it.
If they have done something wrong and you are hurt you need to find out why.
If they have not been loyal then you must ask was there something you did that brought this on.
Don't get me wrong not all relationships can be put back on track and there is no doubt that if you are hurt right now your ability to think clearly is going to be a challenge.
That is why if you have mutual friends it would be wise to speak with them.
This way you can discuss the issues a little more objectively.
They may be able to tell you why your partner is behaving the way they are behaving.
Additionally you can talk out your position with them and see if they have any ideas on how to best resolve it.
Once you get this information, asses it and move to the next step.
Open up communication with your partner.
Do this with a simple e-mail, letter or call.
All you want to do is talk with them, so set up a meeting for that purpose.
When you get together be attentive and listen.
Start slowly and work your way into the issue.
Start with some pleasant memories.
Let them work into it and do not force the issue.
The objective for this meeting is to gather information and not state your case, make.
Leave on a good note and arrange for another chat From there it is time to asses the situation and figure out how you can best make the relationship work again.
More than likely there will need to be some compromises, relationships are not a one way street and it will need some give and take on both sides.
Make sure you know what you can do that way you can clear and determined.
On the next meeting you will recount what your ex said and start to share compromises and solutions and once again listen carefully.
By being level headed and patient you will reflect a maturity and a desire to make things right.
This will show that you care and want to make things right and move the relationship back on track.