- Teachers can use SMART Boards to introduce new topics to their classes. After creating a simple power point presentation, the teacher can connect her classroom computer to the SMART Board, and students are able to see the presentation. Teachers can also insert online examples they find. For instance, in a presentation on teaching students how to read a clock, she could insert a slide of an interactive clock that lets the students take turns moving the hands. Many students enjoy having a multimedia approach to learning, not just sitting and watching the teacher lecture.
- After children learn new information, teachers can help them memorize and incorporate new ideas with thousands of available SMART Board games. Teachers can do an Internet search to find games that match their content. For instance, the teacher might find a template to download a Jeopardy-style quiz game that allows students to compete as a review before test day. Small children might manipulate objects as they learn how to count or sort.
- SMART Tech offers Classroom Suite programs that allow students to manipulate objects on the white board to facilitate their learning. When the SMART Board is calibrated, students can use their fingers to act as a pointer or a pen so they can answer questions on the board, much as they would a chalkboard. In addition, SMART Tech users can search the database for their specific grade level and subject for applicable programs. The programs also tell teachers which education standards the programs meet.
- Students can also participate in classroom lectures with the SMART Response interactive response systems. They're made to fit different ages. Each student in the classroom holds a remote-sized device and can use them to answer questions. Teachers can use them to instantly grade quizzes and know which student knows what. During a lecture, teachers can ask students questions to help keep them engaged. Many students enjoy being able to be a part of new learning and lectures.
Introducing New Topics
Student Participation