- 1). Unpack the dance pad from its box. Depending on the specific type, you will usually have to fit the segments of the pad together, and then zip it closed in a vinyl bag. If you are in any doubt about putting it together, read the Instructions in the box, although they are designed to be easy to set up.
- 2). Place the pad approximately three feet from the console or computer to which it will be attached. Ensure that there will be some slack in the wire between the pad and the computer, as a taut wire may lead to a disconnection or the computer being pulled off a table.
- 3). Plug the USB cable into the console or computer. On a console such as a Nintendo Wii, you may have to lift a flap to access the USB ports. Attach the USB, and the game pad should show that it is powered up, for example with a small LED lighting up.
- 4). Insert the game disk into your computer or console. Load the game with any required processes. If you have installed the dance pad properly, you will be able to proceed with the game without any hindrance.
- 5). Restart your computer or console if it has not recognized the dance pad. Some older computers struggle to recognize newer equipment and restarting will give it a chance to connect with the dance pad properly. If this doesn't work, your computer may be too old to be compatible with the dance pad - refer to its paperwork for the statistics and speed of its components, and compare it to those required by the dance pad (which may require visiting the dance pad manufacturer's website). Consoles sometimes require a reboot in order to recognize new equipment attached to them.